Who is the Yang Gang? — Results Update September 2019

Ki Chong Tran
Yang Gang Wisdom
Published in
6 min readSep 7, 2019

Hey Yang Gang,

Very happy to release an updated result from our flagship “Who is the Yang Gang?” survey. The survey now has a total of nearly 600 respondents as opposed to a little over 200 respondents from last month. I think this is mostly due to more of the Yang Gang hearing about our survey and not so much new members.

Most of the current results are very similar to the previous results when there were fewer respondents, but there are some changes. Hopefully the consistency in results means that the survey is pretty accurate and reflective of the Yang Gang as a whole. New or significantly changed results are presented first and results that did not change much are presented toward the end of this article. As always the raw, unedited responses are available for anyone to see and use freely.


Compared to the first results, there was a significant change in how people answered the occupation question. I had to add a new ‘retail/service’ category and there was a significant rise in the number of people who are caregivers or retired. My interpretation is that Andrew’s message is resonating with the exact groups of people that Andrew is speaking to; caregivers and retail and service workers who would benefit significantly from the Freedom Dividend.

Race / Ethnicity

Source: https://statisticalatlas.com/United-States/Race-and-Ethnicity

Compared to the first results, there was a significant increase in the number of Asians and a decrease in those identified as Hispanic and Black. Obviously identity politics plays a part in this, but overall we just need to do a better job of reaching out to everyone in our communities especially those that we may not identify with.

Comparing Most Appealing Message for Different Groups

The results above are what the most appealing Yang message was for all the survey respondents. Below I tried to distill more nuance and looked for which message appealed to different groups of people. Hopefully this will help us direct specific messages depending on which demographics we are reaching out to.

Hispanic x Message

Compared to the average, those identifying themselves as Hispanic seem to really like that he has over 100 different policies.

Black x Message

Respondents who identified as Black significantly favor the Humanity First messaging compared to the overall average and are also less likely to like the Forward message.

Politics x Message

Conservatives seem to really like the Not Left, Not Right, Forward message of the campaign. Maybe this shouldn’t be surprising considering that they are supporting a liberal Democrat like Andrew Yang. I imagine that these people want to heal the country now and have the courage to reach out across party lines to people who they may disagree with. We should all follow their example.

Those identifying as very liberal or moderately liberal strongly favor the Freedom Dividend and Humanity First messages compared to the average. This is especially true with people who consider themselves very liberal.

Comparing Political Beliefs across States

The political makeup of the Yang Gang has not changed much since the first results, but we did get three people who identified as “Very Conservative” compared to zero from the first time. Welcome! Below I tried to see where people fell on the political spectrum based on which group of States they reside in.

State x Politics

The difference in early primary states is pretty significant compared to the Yang Gang as a whole with centrists and moderates making up a larger proportion of respondents coming from the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada. A balanced tone seems vital when reaching out to these voters.

In the 14 states that will vote on Super Tuesday, the political beliefs swing back to the Yang Gang average.

The results below are updated, but were not significantly different or more interesting than the results from the first survey.


The Yang Gang still skews young and I could not find any real significant differences in messaging preferences based on age. It seems that no matter what the age, young or old, people gravitate toward different parts of Yang’s message.


More states had to be added compared to the first results, but it still seems to reflect the population of the different states more than any other factor.



Raw Responses

For clarity, I have edited some of the responses before publishing, but you can see the complete unedited responses and data here:


I tried my best to keep the original intent of the answer and no answers were edited in order to manipulate the final results.

Want to Help?

Do you want to contribute to the Wisdom of the Yang Gang? Your experiences, ideas, and voice are very valuable and I believe may help Andrew Yang become the next President of the United States. The first step is to complete the “Who is the Yang Gang?” basic survey, which covers the results from above and will update the basic profile of who we are and how we grow. The more answers we get, the clearer the picture will be. If you allow and consent to it, we will also periodically e-mail you new results, questions, surveys, and developments from the Yang Gang Wisdom community.

Never miss a new survey or new result by subscribing to the Yang Gang Wisdom newsletter.

This project is not affiliated with the official Yang2020 campaign, which can be found at yang2020.com.

