Yang Gang Dividend Results

What if you were paid to Yang Gang?

Ki Chong Tran
Yang Gang Wisdom
6 min readNov 9, 2019


The Yang Gang spirit is all about independent action and making things happen. There’s no better example of that than what has been accomplished by movements like #Truckers4Yang and #HumanityFirstDays.

We wanted to know if there was a chance distributing resources (money) to dedicated Yang Gang around the country could increase the impact of this spirit. If so, then it’s something that we should explore — or at least think about further.

A few weeks ago, we asked you –the Yang Gang — “what would you do with $1,000 a month to promote Andrew Yang?” This is what you had to say.


Google Forms

If given a hypothetical “Yang Gang Dividend” of $1,000 a month to promote Andrew Yang, we see most people would mainly spend the money on promotional materials and focus on face-to-face interactions. When asked about specific plans, more than 80 percent of respondents had an in-person activity component to what they would do.

Promotional materials

Google Forms

Ok, so most respondents would spend the money on promotional materials. Lucky for us, some generous Yang Gangers have already taken it upon themselves to spread the #YangGangLove and get materials out there.

If you have a good printer, YangPrints is also a phenomenal resource for promotional materials.

As we discovered with past survey results such as Who is the Yang Gang, small sample sizes in surveys are largely consistent with larger ones. In that survey, the 200-respondent survey had very similar results with the updated 600-respondent survey. The quantitative results from the Google form surveys — which had 45 respondents — was pretty consistent with the twitter poll — which had 328 respondents.


Google Forms

The qualitative answers are normally the most fun and interesting aspects of these surveys — at least in my opinion. A few types of ideas popped up again and again in people’s written responses — most notably — billboards, events, and community-specific outreach.

“I was just at Dem Com meeting in VA and the Pete team was super nice to me and had a ton of great swag people were scooping up — I had Yang biz cards lol — they told me where they got the best deals on their pins, etc. for taking to events. I would invest in easy small swag, booth space, signage and get out to events in real life — online only goes so far, and then it’s an echo chamber. The Pete people scoff at too much twitter time because they are SUPER organized into state/district/city groups and constantly at live events. We should take note and replicate.”


Billboards were a very popular idea and answer among the Yang Gang. It makes sense for Yang’s campaign more than others because of Yang’s broad appeal across traditional party lines. It also makes sense for the Yang Gang to do this because they are on the ground and live in the communities where these billboards would go up. Not to mention Yang’s natural appeal to truck-drivers, who I imagine see a lot of billboards.

“Would like to do a billboard”

“Manage a Billboard”

“Also more billboards.”

“Set up a billboard near freeway”

“I would pool it with other yang gang members to rent billboards in the major Alabama cities on major highways and interstates. We have to reach everyone in the cities and then spread it out into rural areas somehow, and TV ads are just too expensive. I believe Andrew Yang’s policies are good enough to speak for themselves if we can get people to really investigate them.”

“Rent a billboard and put a photo of Yang and the hashtags YangGang, GoogleAndrewYang and www.Yang202.com

“See about renting billboards out here in Arkansas.”

And without even asking, the Yang Gang made it real…

Yang Gang hangs

The idea of going out into public spaces like malls and inviting strangers to sit with us seems uniquely Yang Gang. We’re a positive and welcoming bunch who like this guy Andrew Yang. If you hang — watch a podcast and have a beverage — maybe you will too?

“Schedule community events in local shopping malls.”

“Setting up sanctioned events in public venues for watching long form Andrew Yang interviews, with free refreshments.”

“I would reach out to local malls to purchase permission to showcase long form Andrew Yang interviews in a publicly accessible space within line of sight and earshot of high traffic zones, with cozy seating as well as refreshments and official yang merchandise. I’d probably try to delegate my idea to other local yangsters for execution, however, as we’re stronger together.”

Automation victims

Black community

“You have to create organic experiences that lead others to the campaign. As a Black American, I under the importance of this with our community, so that would be my main focus; sit downs that create content and highlight the struggles of my community but also providing a solution based on policies not political theater.”


“I would enlist the help of the veterans outreach club here on campus to Target student veterans specifically. Most of us have a deep conservative streak, however many many many vets have become disillusioned by the endless, pointless wars we were sent to fight in, and the lunacy of the current administration’s foreign policy. Above all else veterans want to continue service to the nation, we are a huge untapped demographic, because many of us (myself included) receive disability benefits from the VA. The resistance to something like the freedom dividend is much less in the veteran community because we already get monthly ‘handouts.’ Once vets are onboard they would be huge force multipliers in their communities.”


“As an unpaid caregiver, I would use it on myself, but I would also bring my Grampa with me to promote Andrew Yang & the importance of UBI”


“Find an older community and spread information there in a familiar and noncondescending manner”

Teachers and parents

“Building a movement of Yang teachers and parents”

Going full Yang Gang

A very large number of responses can also be classified as “going full Yang Gang.” These people would quit their jobs and devote most of their time to promoting Andrew Yang.

“I would travel to all the key states throughout the campaign run to canvass for Yang in the streets or go to door-to-door for him. The $1000/mth will help with transportation and food costs, and maybe partial lodging so that I won’t have to dig into my savings as much.”

“I’m a current YangGang leader in Eugene Oregon. This would pay my rent and I’d go full time YangGang. In person, Tabling, phones, I’m a web dev and graphic designer and would use those skills.”

What you can do:

The Yang campaign has started giving out promotional kits so get yours soon before they run out!

The Humanity FWD Fund (yes, the SuperPAC) may have resources available for you going full Yang Gang or making some of these ideas a reality. Check out their $1,000/month giveaway inspired by Andrew Yang’s Freedom Dividend or propose projects on their website.

Yang campaign

I’ve sent these results to the official campaign e-mail (info@yang2020.com) and as a response in the official Yang campaign survey that inspired these questions.

If you have any suggestions for people to reach out to who would appreciate seeing these survey results, simply email kichong@yanggangwisdom.com to let me know.

Raw responses

As always, our survey results are 100 percent transparent and free to use by anyone. Some of the results above have been edited for clarity without changing the original intent of the responses. All of the raw, unedited responses can be viewed here:


If you never want to miss out on the best Yang Gang highlights and features — or have your voice heard in our Yang Gang surveys — subscribe here:

This project is not affiliated with the official Yang2020 campaign, which can be found at yang2020.com.

