Encourage yourself by remembering God’s faithfulness

Yat H So
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2020


What should we do when the coronavirus has taken over our lives by storm? Whether you’ve lost your job, uncertain if you’ve caught the coronavirus, or have a loved one in the hospital, we must look to our faithful God, Lord Jesus, for certainty during these uncertain times.

What did King David do?

Every time David was stuck in a bad situation, he encouraged himself by remembering God’s faithfulness in the past. One example of this was when he was fighting the fearful Goliath as a young boy, he remembered the times when God delivered him from the lion and the bear.

“David said, moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine” (I Samuel 17:37)

What has the Lord done for me in the past?

Borrowing King David’s method, this is how I encourage and remind myself of God’s faithfulness during times of uncertainty.

Welcomed me home (July of 2018)

Lord, I remember when you answered my mother’s prayers of 15 years, melted my heart of stone, humbled me down, caused me to repent, and come back to you after 15 years of being away from you and your church.

Delivered me from my addictions (July of 2018)

Lord, I remember when you completely delivered me from 15 years of heavy alcohol and cigarette addiction.

Delivered me from the car accident (December of 2018)

Lord, I remember when you delivered us from that car accident unharmed when our 7000 pound H2 Hummer flipped in the air at 70mph, landed on its side, and trapped us inside.

Miraculously brought my wife to me (December of 2019)

Lord, I remember when you transformed my wife Esther’s heart of stone into a heart of love after rejecting me for 1.5 years.

Led me through an impossible situation (February of 2019)

Lord, I remember when you led me through the whole seemingly impossible marriage proposal process.

Used my testimony for your glory (March of 2019)

Lord, I remember when you used my proposal testimony to bless and inspire all the Christian Googlers across the globe. Read more here

Used my testimony for your glory again (March of 2019)

Lord, I remember when you used that same marriage testimony to give Mina that extra push to start our weekly prayer group at Waymo.

Opened the marriage door for us (April of 2019)

Lord, I remember when you moved my wife Esther’s parent’s hearts to give us the marriage blessing in Korea.

Provided for us when we had very little (July of 2019)

Lord, I remember when you brought my wife and I into our brand new BMR apartment in Mountain View after endless back and forth with the leasing office for the entire year.

Kept our faith strong even thru the unimaginable (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and beyond)

Lord, I remember when you had us witness each member of our church family and prayer group endured through all their fiery trials and yet still standing strong in Christ.

So what can you do?

Brothers and sisters, while your life story may not look exactly like King David’s or mine, but I challenge you — can you remember a time when God faithfully showed up in your life and delivered you from your uncertain situation? Let me know in the comments below.

If He is for us, then who can be against us? Hallelujah! God loves you! :)

