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Year of Books
Year of Books
I’m reading a new book every day in 2016. These are my notes from the ones which profoundly impacted me in some way.
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Notes From ‘Gilead’

Oh, ‘Gilead’. What an absolutely stunning read. This book, by Marilynne Robinson, was one of my favorite stories in a long while. Beautiful and sweetly sad, the novel is written as a letter from a dying father to his small son. The main character is a preacher, and his father was a preacher…

Notes From ‘Why We Eat Our Own’

‘Why We Eat Our Own’ by Michael Cheshire is a strange book. Written by a pastor who seems on the edge of burnout, he settles on a very real, hard truth. We’re mean:

Could we be wrong about how we approach redemption and grace? Why have I been…