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Year of Books
Year of Books
I’m reading a new book every day in 2016. These are my notes from the ones which profoundly impacted me in some way.
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Notes From ‘Sacred Pathways’

Gary Thomas’ ‘Sacred Pathways’ is an interesting read, a case that we are all built differently and because of this must interact with the spiritual world differently as well.

Notes from ‘Pursuit of God’

Tozer’s ‘Pursuit of God’ is a classic, and for good reason. As I read through this relatively short book, I had to stop myself from highlighting every passage. If you’re looking to rekindle your faith, pick up this book. If you’re looking to learn more about faith, pick up this…

Notes from ‘Illusions’

It’s hard to express the impact that the book Illusions had on me as a younger man, and continues to have on me to this day. I initially read it when I was a teenager, and haven’t re-read it since. I was honestly afraid of reading it again. What if I didn’t enjoy it? What if it wrecked my…