Notes from ‘Do More Better’

I picked up Tim Challies ‘Do More Better’ yesterday, a book that’s been on my radar for a long while. Though I…

Notes from ‘Make Your Mark’

‘Make Your Mark’ is another book in the 99U series from Jocelyn Glei (of which I had previously read ‘Manage…

Notes from ‘Sapiens’

Yuval Noah Harari’s ‘Sapiens’ is an uncomfortable book to read. It’s an unflinching look at what makes us who we are, and…

Notes From ‘Stuff Matters’

This book was a total surprise. ‘Stuff Matters’ by Mark Miodownik was easily one of the most memorable books I’ve read all year, written by a person clearly fascinated by the world (and materials) all around him.

Notes From ‘The War of Art’

Well this was an amazing one. Steven Pressfield’s ‘The War of Art’ is one of the most inspiring books I’ve read in a long while. If you’ve never heard of it, click the link, buy the book, and get to reading. My notes are of little consequence, and every page is great, but if you…

Notes From ‘Gilead’

Oh, ‘Gilead’. What an absolutely stunning read. This book, by Marilynne Robinson, was one of my favorite stories in a long while. Beautiful and sweetly sad, the novel is written as a letter from a dying father to his small son. The main character is a preacher, and his father was a preacher…

Notes From ‘Sacred Pathways’

Gary Thomas’ ‘Sacred Pathways’ is an interesting read, a case that we are all built differently and because of this must interact with the spiritual world differently as well.

Notes From ‘100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart’

Robert J. Morgan’s 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart is an unusually titled book. It seems like this might be a simple collection of pithy verses, but nothing could be further from the case. In fact, the book is a

Notes from ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’

Recommended to me by many people, Marie Kondo’s ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ is a beautiful read, and perhaps one of the most practical I’ve encountered this year to date. Subtitled ‘The Japanese Art of Decluttering and…

Notes from ‘Extra Lives’

No book has managed to surprise me this year like ‘Extra Lives’ by Tom Bissell did. I initially picked it up as someone I follow on Twitter gave it the high praise of being ‘the best book they had ever read about storytelling. As someone who spent a lot of their teenage years playing…