3 Things I regret doing in high school

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4 min readNov 29, 2023
Picture by Boundless

This year, I’m a senior grade student and I actually can’t believe that school is nearly over and admissions for universities started. I wanted to list a couple of things I regret doing or not doing during my high school education.

Not dealing with being burnt out

Picture by Portland

I was a student who had no energy after school. I thought this was because of laziness for 2 years but then it clicked that I was burnt out. School, work and other things/jobs that require our a lot of time causes high level stress. Everyone’s coping mechanism is different so some people don’t feel overwhelmed while some people use medications to stay calm.

Everyone’s brain reacts different to events. You need to find out how to deal with your burnt out problem before it grows and becomes a bigger problem. Here are my advices to fight this feeling.

  • Give yourself some time: Stay away from people and social media, go to a calm place and spend a couple hours there. Try to relax as much as you can. You should pick a day to relax like an off-day.
  • Pick a hobby: A hobby can actually help you with being overwhelmed. Hobbies like sports and musics have a lot of benefits to human body. Also picking a hobby would add more to your university admissions so it is beneficial in both ways.
  • Learn what are you doing: In my opinion, one of the most stressing things about high school is not knowing what is going on. I recommend you searching about your high school curriculum, clubs, schedule and more to have a better understanding of the school. I did not know about some of the things during high school and I actually regret a lot of things.
  • Stay away from toxic people: You should focus on creating a wide network instead of having a big friend group.

Not keeping up with work

Picture by Jobble

The thing I regret the most is not keeping up with school. Especially with physics.

In 9th grade, we were doing online lessons due to covid-19 and I pretty much attended every lesson and I actually paid attention to most of them. However, there were 2 lessons that I didn’t care about. Physics and geography. To be honest I’m not really sad about not caring about geography. But for physics, I wish I cared about it earlier instead of telling myself that it’s too late.

No matter how much you miss class or chapters, try to keep it together as soon as possible. When it’s late, it is going to be harder. Keeping up with work is not as hard as many of us all think. You just need to sacrifice a couple of weekends, or a summer/winter holiday.

Teacher’s don’t know everything

Picture by GoodGoodGood

In fact, they rarely know something. ( Depends on the community you live with )

The thing is if you believe that you will learn all the things from teachers, you’re wrong. As I stated earlier, it depends on the community you live in and the geography also matters. I studied high school in Eastern Turkey and I must tell you that they were the worst at planning a future for students. Some of them were supportive and I still love them though.


In conclusion, you need to get over your procrastination or you get to fight against it when you finish high school, and trust me fighting it later is the worst option. Additionally, don’t trust people and their opinions. Make your own research and create a path for yourself. My suggestion is every high school student should start searching about careers and universities as soon as possible.

See you in another story,


