Women in Turkey

Yetkin Yayın
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2022

Turks came and settled in Anatolia in 1071. Since then, there has been a traditional structure formed by the influence of both Turkishness and Muslim identity.

Turks have a characteristic that is loyal to their state from past to present, attaches importance to their independence, sacred values, and transfers traditions and customs from generation to generation.

We can see differences in many areas such as eating and drinking culture, daily spoken language, traditions and customs, clothing styles, entertainment cultures, lifestyles, and architectural designs. However, there are also common values ​​throughout Anatolia.

Black Sea, East, Central, Southeastern Anatolia, Aegean, Mediterranean, and Marmara; names of all regions. I have mentioned the differences of each region in Anatolian geography in Turkey. Regarding women, these differences may vary according to region. There is a stricter adherence to tradition in the Southeast and East Anatolian regions. With the advancement of technology after the 2000s, there are many opportunities for women in Turkey. However, it is still not sufficient.

In Anatolia, the Seljuk State ruled between 1071–1300, and the Ottoman Empire between 1300–1923. After the War of Independence in 1920, today’s Republic of Turkey was established. In 2023, it will be the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey.

Girls are married at a very young age. They cannot benefit from the educational opportunities of that period. I think the reason for this is that there is excessive protectionism against women and that the orders of the religion of Islam are not fully understood. However, during the Ottoman Empire, men could marry more than one woman. The man has a say in the family.

Although women are given importance and protected by the religion of Islam, they have not been involved in social, and business life and management. During the Seljuk and Ottoman Empires, women took care of raising children at home, helping their families with agriculture, and housework.

Especially since women work in a job, responsibilities in raising children and housework have begun to be shared with men. Until the 2000s, the Turkish family structure generally had many children. However, after the 2000s, we see fewer children in families.

We constantly hear news about women being abused by men. Although there are laws on this subject, the rate of violence against women has not decreased yet. Unfortunately, the issue of violence against women continues in our country.

I want to give some statistical information,

•49% of Turkey’s population is women, 50.1% is men,

• The proportion of women who completed at least one level of education is 85.7%,

•The rate of female MPs is 17%, men 83%,

•Duration of employment for women 19 years, men 39 years,

•The rate of female MPs is 17%, men 83%,

•The proportion of women with at least a university degree is 18%, men are 23%,

•The proportion of women employed at the age of 15 and above is 28%, men 63%,

•The average age at first marriage is 25 for women, 28% for men,

•Proportion of employed women 34% men 72%,

•With the constitutional amendment, women were granted the right to vote and be elected,

•The Village Law was amended, giving women the right to be headmen in villages and to be elected to the council of elders.

Motherhood is very sacred both in terms of the religion of Islam and in the culture of the Turks. Prophet Muhammad once said;

Paradise is under the feet of mothers.



