Axie Infinity Superquests: A Guided Tour into Lunacia

Superquests debuted with more than double the expected number of participants.

Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games
6 min readOct 31, 2023


  • Superquests bring new players into web3 games while introducing them to a community that will support them on their player journey.
  • The Axie Infinity Superquests aimed to introduce Axie Infinity: Origins to both Axie newcomers and players of Axie Classic who had not tried Origins.
  • The campaign onboarded 4,322 questers in total, surpassing its goal of 2,000 sign-ups by more than double.
  • Over 60% of surveyed participants indicated that they had played Axie Infinity: Origins prior to Superquests, with the initiative effectively encouraging reactivation.
  • Among surveyed questers, 99% said they would participate in another Superquest.

On September 6, 2023, Yield Guild Games (YGG) concluded the first-ever Axie Infinity Superquests campaign on the Ronin network, earning praise from newbies, OG players, and Sky Mavis, the game studio behind Axie.

Building upon the success of the Guild Advancement Program (GAP), which has rewarded thousands of community members for their contributions, Superquests was launched as YGG’s next questing initiative. While the GAP recognizes the value that members bring to the guild across a broad range of games, Superquests walks players through a series of quests in a particular game — such as Axie Infinity: Origins.

“We designed Superquests to reimagine the questing experience. We believe true activation comes from enjoying, playing well at a game, with like-minded friends,” said Angel Pui, YGG Head of Growth. “We wanted the experience to feel seamless, intuitive and fast, too, which meant Superquests had to be integrated directly into the game. We focused a lot on teaching in a fun and intuitive way, almost like chatting with a friend that’s really good. We believe players progress deeper into games through mastery and skills advancement.”

Taking Superquests to Lunacia

In launching Superquests to its guild members, YGG co-designed the campaign with Sky Mavis to ensure that the pilot would achieve their two core objectives:

  • Introduce Axie Infinity to new players who had not yet been exposed to the game.
  • Re-engage Axie Classic players who had not tried Axie Infinity: Origins.

With these two goals and a distinct audience for each, YGG brought in two pillars of the community to lead individual Superquests.

  • Kookoo, widely credited for helping onboard tens of thousands of the earliest players of Axie Infinity through his video content in the Philippines, came on board to develop the Koo Crew achievement and help new players get started with Axie Origins.
  • Spamandrice, a globally renowned Axie esports player for YGG Elite, helped design a curriculum to make players familiar with Axie and master the nuances of Axie Origins at an elite level.

Kookoo and spamandrice shared the ins and outs of the game through short-form video content available only to registered users. Questers then earned in-game rewards as they progressed through each of the three Superquest levels, until finally being awarded their Koo Crew or Spam Fam achievement badges after proving their new skills in-game.

“The joy of working on the Superquest curriculum with Sky Mavis and the YGG teams was that we got to really focus on what concepts and skills are needed for a new player to feel confident,” said Kookoo. “It has always been a rewarding experience for me to share my knowledge and guide players through their journey within the game. Now, with Superquests, we are able to scale that opportunity to a truly global audience.”

Kookoo guided questers through the first steps of playing Origins, including how to create a Ronin wallet, assemble a team of Axies, and craft runes and charms. Meanwhile, the advanced curriculum of spamandrice included learning different play styles, experimenting with team compositions, and other strategies to dominate the Arena — perfect for players who were familiar with Axie and wanted to get back onto the leaderboards.

“I’m super proud of everyone who completed the Superquests and put in the hours to master Axie Infinity: Origins. It was an honor to see YGG members conquer the Superquests Tournament using the tips I shared with them,” said spamandrice. “The only downside is that I now have more gamers vying for my spot in the YGG Elite squad!” he mused.

Axie Superquest Achievements

Sky Mavis and YGG opted to start with a small pilot, but the Axie Origins Superquests program far exceeded expectations.

  • Initially targeting 2,000 sign-ups for the program, the teams ultimately garnered a total of 4,322 participants, achieving 116% above target.
  • Kookoo’s Superquest received 2,190 applications and was completed by 531 guild members.
  • Spamandrice’s Superquest received 2,132 applications and was completed by 492 guild members.
  • In total, 1,023 participants received in-game rewards and soulbound achievements on the Ronin blockchain.

YGG worked closely with the Sky Mavis team to ensure that the criteria for quest completion could be verified in real time. A key focus for the team was to ensure prompt delivery of the soulbound achievements on the Ronin chain, a task made seamless thanks to development resources provided by Sky Mavis.

In a survey conducted among participants in Superquests, more than 60% of respondents had previously played Axie Infinity: Origins, demonstrating that Superquests had been highly effective in reactivating dormant players.

Superquests as New Avenues for Competitive Play

Building on the hype that the Superquests created, YGG Head of Esports, Mike Ovecka, organized a single-elimination Axie Superquests Tournament. This tournament was only open to questers who successfully displayed their competitive prowess by completing Level 3 of spamandrice’s Superquest and obtaining the Spam Fam NFT.

Putting their newly acquired skills to the test, players who competed in the tournament shared a total prize pool of 2,600 $RON tokens. Hashemites | YGG secured first place and also received the Axie Infinity Superquests Champion soulbound NFT.

“It was a joy to see players both old and new diving into Axie Origins via the Superquests. Questing promises to be an interesting mechanism for user acquisition, education and engagement, and this experiment definitely whetted our appetite for further exploration alongside our stalwart allies, YGG,” said Jeffrey “Jihoz” Zirlin of Sky Mavis.

The Future of Superquests

With the objectives of Sky Mavis met and 99% of surveyed questers saying they would participate in another Superquest, the first campaign was a resounding success.

The achievement badges serve as proof of participation in Superquests, aligning with YGG’s mission to grant players on-chain representation of their earned reputation. They also enable players to track their activities and contributions to the guild. With each new level of achievement, individual gamers can qualify for new opportunities and experiences.

As we look to the future for Superquests, the roadmap includes integrating more blockchains, producing more educational content for games entering the Superquests program, and co-designing quests that create enjoyable experiences for players and retain them within YGG’s game partner ecosystem.

“A quest is the native ad unit of web3, and at YGG, we’ve always been interested in quests that allow player communities to grow and retain themselves long-term,” said YGG co-founder Gabby Dizon. “That’s why we are leading with status and with soulbound token achievements rather than immediate monetary or liquidity rewards, because in web3, it’s more important to provide opportunities for players to build their user-owned reputation.”

“Exceeding our goals for this first campaign is a great sign, and the positive response we received from the community shows how powerful Superquests could be as a tool for user acquisition and retention in web3 games,” added Gabby.

The Axie Superquests campaign has shown that the web3 gaming ecosystem becomes a more rewarding space to thrive in when a community plays together to achieve the same goals. As the guild works toward its broader vision for web3 gaming, the YGG community can look forward to even more exciting quests with even bigger rewards.

To participate in other YGG quests and start building your web3 reputation, create your profile in the YGG dapp.

For more information on Axie Infinity, visit its website and X account. Also check out the Sky Mavis website and X account.

Join the YGG Discord channel and follow us on X to be the first to find out about upcoming Superquests.



Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games

Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a web3 gaming guild where players can enrich themselves as they find their community, discover games and level up together.