YGG Dives into Gamified AI Data Labeling in Partnership with Sapien

Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2024

Yield Guild Games (YGG) has partnered with data labeling company Sapien to advance its mission of helping people all around the world uncover opportunities in the open Metaverse. Since its founding in 2023, Sapien has drawn the attention of the web3 community for its gamified approach to AI data labeling. With this partnership, YGG will provide its guild partners and community members with a new opportunity for skills development, collaboration, and the future of work.

Training AI Through Games with Sapien

As a data labeling service with clients across the technology, education and retail industries, Sapien works with large language models (LLMs) and other AI models, organizing and labeling the data they rely on to accommodate user prompts and requests. This step of the AI pipeline is crucial, as tasks such as sentiment analysis, image classification, and semantic segmentation are best improved with human-reinforced learning.

Unlike most other data labeling companies, Sapien’s workforce does not consist of a fixed set of employees. Instead, Sapien relies on a large pool of decentralized contributors to perform the data labeling. Currently, Sapien has access to native-level speakers of over 200 languages, ensuring that the benefits of AI do not remain constricted to the English-speaking world. This diversity is also exemplified by the subject matter expertise of Sapien’s base of contributors. Individuals coming from medical, legal and educational technology backgrounds, among others, have volunteered to assist Sapien with its data labeling tasks.

Additionally, Sapien sets itself apart from similar companies in that it has focused on gamifying the experience of its contributors. In return for their efforts, Sapien plans to offer contributors blockchain-based rewards to incentivize them to turn in accurate work.

So far, the applications of Sapien’s human-labeled data have been diverse. One notable use case of Sapien’s services has been training LLMs to detect plagiarism and AI-generated submissions in the academic world. As LLMs continue to grow in popularity thanks to adoption from mass-market consumer technology brands such as Google, Microsoft, and recently Apple, firms like Sapien will be even more relied upon to deliver accurately labeled and sorted data.

“We are excited to join forces with Yield Guild Games and give their incredible community of web3 gaming enthusiasts a great new choice,” said Trevor Koverko, co-founder of Sapien. “By bringing data labeling gig work to the onchain world, we are expanding our reach and providing YGG’s skilled community members with a new avenue to earn rewards and contribute to the development of AI technologies and models.”

New Upskilling Opportunities for Guilds

Through this partnership, YGG is expanding its guild system beyond web3 gaming. This marks the first of many new types of communities YGG is inviting to participate in its reputation-based infrastructure. In turn, this will broaden the pool of people YGG will be able to match with opportunities based on their verifiable credentials. With partners like Sapien, YGG can also encourage new guilds that specialize in task-specific skills such as data labeling to form and scale within its ecosystem.

Since its inception, YGG has actively supported its community by creating opportunities for them to develop their web3 skills and making it a fun and rewarding experience through questing. Skills-based bounties in Season 5 of the Guild Advancement Program (GAP) had questers earn achievement badges for community moderation, content creation, game testing, and more. This partnership with Sapien will add data labeling to the rich set of skills YGG community members can develop.

YGG’s reputation system will enable anyone in the YGG community who has shown the prerequisite skills to thrive in a data labeling environment to begin exploring Sapien and earn rewards. Additionally, YGG’s community infrastructure will allow Sapien contributors to easily organize into groups where they can learn from and support one another.

“YGG has always envisioned for its community to specialize in a wide range of skills that are expected to be in demand as the world continues to embrace remote and virtual collaboration,” said YGG co-founder Beryl Li. “For us, this starts with gaming, and through partners like Sapien, we’re also able to introduce new competencies to our community. Sapien and YGG are strategically aligned with a shared vision for empowering guilds with rewarding pathways for learning and growth.”

Stay tuned for more details on how you and your friends can get started on Sapien by joining the YGG Discord and following us on X.

For more information on Sapien, check out their X and website.



Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games

Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a web3 gaming guild where players can enrich themselves as they find their community, discover games and level up together.