Yield Guild Games: Asset & Treasury Report — September 2021

Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games
Published in
5 min readOct 20, 2021

In this article, Yield Guild Games (YGG) provides an update on the status of treasury management including SAFTs and NFT assets as at 30 September, 2021.

For the month of September, YGG added new gaming partnerships and investments to its ever-expanding portfolio of NFT assets that the YGG community can use. With its goal of onboarding the masses to the metaverse through play-to-earn games, YGG is ensuring that the guild is providing a variety of games that the community will enjoy across different genres and ecosystems.

The listing of the YGG token on Binance was also a significant milestone, as Binance is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world and a preferred trading destination for the play-to-earn community. On 1 September 2021, Binance demonstrated its dedication to players of Axie Infinity through completion of a network integration with the Ronin sidechain to support token deposits and withdrawals for Axie Infinity (AXS) and Smooth Love Potion (SLP).

Membership Update

YGG had 62,545 community members on Discord at the end of September, which represents 16.4% growth from August 2021. Since it was launched at the end of July, 14,161 of YGG’s community have made their guild membership official by minting their YGG Guild Badge.

Scholarship Update

A total of 4,710 Axie Infinity scholars are now utilizing YGG-owned Axies to play and earn. To fulfill the growing demand for Axie Infinity scholarships, YGG invested US$848K in breeding Axies in September alone.

Cumulatively, YGG, its scholars, and community managers have earned US$10.13M to date. The total number of SLP earned by YGG scholars from the beginnings of the program in April 2021, up to the end of September was 71.9M.

For the month of September, YGG scholars generated over 20M SLP which is the equivalent of US$1.24M in direct revenue despite the decrease of SLP price.

Of the SLP earned, 70% is paid to the players, with US$873K earned by YGG scholars in September. A further US$249K was earned by their Community Managers, who are responsible for recruiting new scholars and providing training to improve their skills. For their efforts, Community Managers earn a 20% cut of the total SLP earned.

Over the last four months, YGG scholars and Community Managers have earned a total US$1.12M.

The remaining 10% of SLP earned is retained by YGG. In September, YGG received revenues of US$124K for the month of September.

YGG Token

Less than two months after its public token sale, YGG opened at US$ 8.49 at the start of September, representing a 349% growth in token price. However, YGG was not spared for September’s traditional softening as the price dropped as low as US$4.70 before a strong return in the last six days of the month.

With new token listings from Crypto.com, Huobi, KuCoin, the YGG token was also listed on Binance. During YGG token’s listing date on Binance on the 24th of September, a significant price action from US$5.97 to US$8.50 was seen before closing out the month at US$6.14 (US$686M Market Cap). The token’s trade volume also increased over 3–5x since the Binance listing with daily volumes regularly in the US$100M to US$150M range.

Treasury and Tokens

The total value of the treasury as at September stood at US$845,916,893 with most of the growth attributable to the growth of the YGG token. In addition to the very substantial YGG token holdings, this figure was made up of liquid tokens, locked DeFi tokens and NFT assets.

The following table outlines liquid tokens with balances over US$100K. YGG also has a number of smaller holdings which can be viewed in the wallet list at the bottom of this post.

YGG’s total token holdings


The following outlines the range and estimated market value for the NFTs owned by YGG. For the month of September, YGG added space strategy Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) game Influence to its growing portfolio of game partners and in-game assets. This brings YGG’s total NFTs to 36,712 across 12 games with a combined total value of US$17.6M as of the month of September.

In terms of net value:

  • Embersword is the largest portion (24.5%) valued at US$4.3M.
  • 26,000 Axies makeup 22.5% of the portfolio at a US$150 floor.
  • Guild of Guardians is the next largest holding at 21.9%.
  • Axie Land makes up 15.8% at US$2.78M.
  • Star Atlas acquisitions represent 5.7% at US$1M.
YGG’s total NFT assets

YGG also earned US$381K from NFT royalties based on the resale of YGG Founders’ Coin.


As part of YGG’s long-term vision for the play-to-earn ecosystem, YGG is continuously looking for early-stage opportunities in games, platforms, and protocols that show promise in building out a robust ecosystem. In September, the YGG team signed a SAFT with Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game Thetan Arena.

YGG’s Total SAFT

YGG has deployed US$335K into eight games/platforms where the current market value has already grown to over US$5.1M. Game partners such as Illuvium, Star Atlas, and Splinterlands have shown good results since launch with a growing community, NFT sales, and other game developments.

A full list of YGG wallets can be seen below with links to various explorers, each with its own functionality.

  • 0xe30ED74c6633a1B0D34a71c50889f9F0fDb7D68A — Etherscan
  • 0xF0103243F4d22B5696588646b21313d85916A16A — Etherscan
  • 0x16b281438C5984A46D94acc6C4b31e252A03DFCf — Etherscan
  • 0x2662A2d03695C80ca3C5645cbC2E7547842dA6bC — Etherscan
  • 0x1af5478e25BC877d27f794962696211eac474FcE — Opensea
  • 0x12eca18aac6db2470e000c0688cf11b9d8ea1d31 — Etherscan
  • 0xcafeacdadd29f55ce935492e20f1f982df3fb51d — Etherscan
  • ronin:4b18cebeb9797ea594b5977109cc07b21c37e8c3 — Ronin
  • 0x6e7f09aa3d151b932de2e7846e8341902d0fbeef — Opensea
  • 0xf6dcc7aed1efecee267542e26be742b7f8f095ff — Opensea
  • 0x23eb4e02c29e69452718cd5caf2255488bc7ce3a — Opensea
  • 0xdae36002431aa9394be363d3d43fbdb6de6af7cc — Polyscan

Note: Figures of SLP in US dollar value are based on SLP’s closing value of US$0.062319, for September 30, 2021 from CoinGecko.

For more information about YGG, read the YGG whitepaper here. Join the YGG Discord or follow us on Twitter for future updates.



Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games

Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a web3 gaming guild where players can enrich themselves as they find their community, discover games and level up together.