Meet Andre, Developer at Yodel

Silke English
Yodel Blog
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2017


Name: Andre Savic
Twitter: @mcandy007
Current City of Operation: Trausdorf an der Wulka, Austria
Hobbies: Event DJ, Filmmaking

What is your passion at Yodel?
I’m a developer at Yodel. My main work task is building demos and prototypes as well as implement new features. Other tasks include problem solving and bug hunting.

Let’s talk about Yodel. What do you love about the Yodel bot?
Do you remember back in the day when you had your first internship and the person told you to pick up the phone and you were a bit nervous? I had one of these experiences and since then I hate answering the phone. This is why Yodel is great to me. I know beforehand who is on the other line and can be prepared when picking up the phone.

What do you like best about being part of the Yodel family?
I am one of the founding members of Yodel and therefore with Yodel since day one — actually zero. I built the prototype for it. It is awesome to see how Yodel has been evolving since then and it is fun to add new features. When it comes to building new features, it is great that the whole team is on the same level of thinking.

Back to you Andre. What is your background? What have you done before you joined the Yodel Team?
After I graduated from high school I started an apprenticeship position as an electrical engineering. I felt that it was not the right fit for me and I switched from the industrial work — where you have to do every day the same thing over and over again — to a more creative field. I started as User Interface (UI) developer for a social media app. Through Mario (CTO of Yodel) I got introduced to Mike (CEO) and David (COO). I started to work with them at their former business. When the idea of Yodel came up, I liked it and wanted to be part of it.

How did you figure out that, this is the kind of profession you want to work in?
My childhood friends called me “Daniel Düsentrieb” (in engl. Gyro Gearloose) because I love to invent things from an early age on. Even my teacher said once: “If I hear an explosion, I know who is responsible for it”. I liked to take my soldering iron and build my own hardware.
back in 2007 I built my own Tony Hawk skateboard two years before the official one was released.

Around the same time I started building my first website. This was the first step into the direction of becoming a web developer. I just got hooked on building things on my own.

If someone who reads this wants to become a developer, what advice would you give that person?
Be proactive! The most important thing is that you start learning and never stop.
And don’t let yourself get discouraged by people who tell you that you won’t make it.

Can you recommend any websites or tools, that you wouldn’t want to miss?
Spotify because I can’t work without music. I listen to every kind of music, from jazz to house. I am just more productive when i listen to music.

Last but not least: What is the most random fact about you?
Since 20 years, I drink a cup of hot chocolate every morning!

