Part 5: Thigh

21 Yoga Practices For Body Flexibility

2 min readAug 11, 2020


Credit: Maijas Mommy Moments

Thigh refers to the area between the hip and the knee of the human body; it is a part of the lower limb. It constitutes a single bone, which is the strongest and longest of the body, called femur. It forms a ball and socket joint at the hip and a hinge joint at the knee.

The thigh has three sets of strong muscles. The hamstrings at the back, quadriceps in the front and the adductor muscles on the inside of the thigh. The quadriceps and the hamstrings work together to straighten (extend) and bend (flex) the leg. The adductor muscles pull the legs together.

A muscle strain or pull is a common injury among the people who participate in sports. Strenuous work for legs may result in pain. People who stand for a long time may have soreness and pain.

Synchronized breathing and static breathing in a certain posture can help us to manage the pain in the thighs.

This simple practice helps to maintain a healthy and fit body.

Here is a demonstration of this practice:

Thigh | 21 Yoga Practices For Body Flexibility | Yogavaidhyam

When both legs are crossed in a seated pose, the thigh portion becomes a natural cradle, called the lap. Children feel safe and secure in the lap of their mother and father. A toddler wanting to sit on her parents’ lap to connect and get reassurance is a common sight.

They seek affection, warmth, cuddling, physical connection and attention. The reassurance they receive at an early age makes the child to be empathetic when grown as an adult and also to radiate confidence. Parental warmth, affection and understanding will protect one against the harmful effects of toxic childhood stress that may lead to self-destructive tendencies and psychological issues later in life. Better bonding with parents will result in higher self esteem in the children during their adolescence, leading them to be well rounded individuals.

This practice was developed in accordance with Yoga Therapy, a branch of yoga that requires the ailing person to perform a set of asanas to cure prevailing health issues. Read more about Yoga Therapy here.

Read the previous title in this article series. Part 4: Knee joint
Read the next title in this article series. Part 6: Hip joint

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