Advice for Students New to UAlberta’s Campus

Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2019

With the first day of classes 2019 just around the corner, @ualberta sought advice from students, staff, and faculty for students new to campus. The amazing U of A community sure delivered with some great tips for making the most of your first year at the U of A — welcome!

  • Lane swim in the mornings (6 am — 9 am) is quiet, relaxing, and a great way to stay in shape.
  • Try your best to beat your shyness/fear and get involved in student groups!
  • Join! A! Club! That’s where I met all my friends.
  • Find your nap spot early and protect it at all costs.
  • During orientation, do some mock walks to your classrooms. That saves time and confusion as to where to go for your next class.
  • Explore campus! Try a different route to your classes and eat lunch in new spots.
  • Take the LRT + Bus 747 to the airport instead of Ubers/Taxis to save $$$$
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions, everyone wants to see you succeed!!
  • Go as many places as possible on campus and outside. Explore Whyte Avenue and Edmonton!
  • Visit campus services early [in the semester]! Academic Success Centre, Career Centre, Centre for Writers, etc.
  • Enjoy the sports events! They are really fun!!! Guba is the best mascot!!!!
  • Talk to your professors more.
  • Cling to someone in each of your classes on the first day, they will become your best friends.
  • Join rec activities like yoga, Zumba, or kickboxing! Great way to stay fit and make friends!
  • Keep track of the events posted in BearsDen! It is helpful in making new friends and it’s fun!
  • Spend half an hour doing work at school before going home (because you’ll just nap).
  • Join dodgeball! You meet so many more people this way. [Editor’s note: There’s Lister League or Intramural Dodgeball, and an anyone-can-join-in game on Green and Gold Day!]
  • Buy erasable pens and highlighters. The Frixion ones from the bookstore are best!
  • Just ask! Everyone is here to help.
  • Embrace change! This is one of the greatest times in your life for growth and self realization!
  • Socialize. Don’t just study!
  • Be okay with not being great at everything! You’ll find your way and find your niche!
  • Enjoy sitting out in Quad before it snows — you’ll miss it! The picnic tables make great study spaces :)
  • Try to use the pedway from SUB to ETLC, DICE, and NREF when it’s too cold outside.
  • When you have downtime between classes, explore the whole campus. Don’t just stay near your department. I found all my favourite snacks and study spots in many other faculties.
  • Treat your education like it’s your career, but balance work, self-care, and fun.
  • Do your best to maintain a routine that works best for you! Some things that can help keep you energized, focused, and happy. How you fuel your body, move your body, and take care of your mind all matter!!

