Go to You’re All Pussies
You’re All Pussies
Politics-Hostile, Team-Free Art and Fiction
Note from the editor

Politics-Hostile, Team-Free Art and Fiction: You know how wars get fought? Guys see their comrades slain left and right. They see things every day, any one of which would leave you little mama’s girls/boys huddled in a corner for weeks. But then they get up and they KEEP FUCKING GOING. Any year of my life on it own would have broken your heart irreparably forever. But I keep going. I keep writing. I stay angry, but I keep loving (ok, mostly small animals, but at least I love someone). DOn’t be pussies. Read YOU’RE ALL PUSSIES instead. God, why can’t I EVER do anything that doesn’t use a word that’s going to get me banned half the places I want to go? Because I take life by the tail, dammit, and then I slam it into a wall. Not that I would ever do that to an actual small animal. Might do it to you, though.

Go to the profile of Ann Sterzinger
Ann Sterzinger
Author of NVSQVAM, DISASTER FITNESS, the upcoming ELEKTRA’S REVENGE sci-fi epic, & the action novella SEINE VENDETTA. Editor of YOU’RE ALL PUSSIES.