Go to YouthHack Stories
YouthHack Stories
A collection of stories and posts from our community of young entrepreneurs
Note from the editor

A collection of stories and posts from our community of young entrepreneurs

Go to the profile of David Ongchoco
David Ongchoco
Bringing Silicon Valley to developing cities @YouthHack_; Content & Marketing @DormRoomFund; Living life as a student @Penn
Go to the profile of YouthHack
Go to the profile of Sanjula Weerawardhena
Go to the profile of Cameron Cabo
Cameron Cabo
Driven learner, developer, and product builder • Penn M&T ’20 • https://www.cameroncabo.com
Go to the profile of Joaquin Astilla
Joaquin Astilla
i like telling stories, one frame at a time
Go to the profile of Katherine Sizov
Go to the profile of Migs De la Cruz
Go to the profile of Luisa Jocson
Go to the profile of Angelica Sinay
Go to the profile of Paulo J
Paulo J
Editor at Insignia Business Review (review.insignia.vc); writes about anything Korea, startups, science, and their intersection (if any)