Ceramic Beach, part 4: process and experiments archive

Yulya Besplemennova
Yulya’s blog
Published in
10 min readNov 18, 2015

Here some important pieces of Ceramic Beach creation process are collected.

  1. Journey to Ceramic Beach logbook, where all the steps of process were carefully documented and explained:

2. Photodocumentation of the experiments with ceramic and corals performed:

3. Playlist with all the videos of experiments, where such important aspects as sound of the beach can be perfectly evaluated:

4. A folder of inspirational pictures collected during the process:

Ceramic Beach is my project developed during Ceramic Futures 1.0 — an online/offline workshop and competition which in 2013 involved students of 4 European schools: Glasgow School of Art, Politecnico di Milano, Abadir Academy, IED Rome. Full info can be found athttp://www.ceramicfutures.com/1/

