Golden Floating Piers

Yulya Besplemennova
Yulya’s blog
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2016

Have you heard already that the Floating Piers is fantastically amazing, marvelous, surreal, incredible and mindblowing? Well, I definitely belong to the group of over-sensitive people getting astonished by many natural and art experiences, but this one is among the best anyway.

I was quite skeptic of it in the beginning, especially when seeing how much difficulty it takes to get there with huge crowds of people, but eventually 8 hours in the transport and lines waiting were absolutely worth 5 hours around Piers itself and Montisola.

Even if I still haven’t enjoyed it that much till the middle of experience when I arrived to San Paolo island and could sit down in the shade and finally really enjoy floating and connecting to the space around. Walking to get there was quite exhausting as it was exactly noon with crazy sun and lots of people. But a short moment of peaceful movement with water together with PJ Harvey’s “We float” has changed it completely. Finally I could just enjoy the moment and be amazed with amount of happy and relaxed people around.

Initially I also was quite envious of people who went there in the “special” hours like sunset or sunrise and thought that it won’t be that impressive under plain daylight, but that was completely wrong assumption:

The colour of fabric was turning into kind of liquid wavy gold under the crazy midday Italian summer sun. Also producing warm reflections from underneath on all the people walking around completely changing the colour perception of everything around.

The contrast of sharp long orange shapes versus completely blue and soft environment of deep water, clear sky and hills in perspective was also at its best in this light:

My strongest feeling there was that this is exactly how summer should feel like: hot, bright, contrasting, full of people with their umbrellas and hats — man-made summer more summer-ish than any beach and the seaside could ever be. And this points holds the key to understanding crazy success of this work, as for me, but that’s another story coming soon, for which I still need to better explore the simulacra and hyper-reality =)

So far it’s just about enjoying insane beauty of this place and moment:

Pure gold:

