Introducing Zapper Studio

Sam Tolomei
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2022

We are excited to announce the launch of Zapper Studio, which makes our web3 app integrations repo public, allowing anyone to write and submit an integration for Zapper. Does this sound exciting? To get started right away, check out our documentation, fork our repo, and ask questions in our #integration-buildoooors Discord channel.

For more details on this launch and what it means for Zapper and our community, read on!

What is Zapper Studio?

In short, it’s a way for web3 builders to easily create and submit app integrations to Zapper, so tokens and protocol positions seamlessly show up in a user’s portfolio, both on Zapper’s web app, our mobile app and on the sites that leverage our APIs for their own experiences. We are also moving all existing app integrations written by the Zapper Core team into a new open repo on Github, for anyone to view, fork and improve.

To date, Zapper’s core team has written all 250+ of our app integrations from scratch, internally. Despite this output, the growing demand from app builders to integrate their products on Zapper combined with the tremendous expansion of the DeFi & web3 ecosystems means that Zapper still has over 700 pending app integration requests. Zapper Studio will start relieving this backlog by giving external developers and Zapper community members agency over what apps are integrated with the dashboard, and when.

Built With and For our Community

We’ve spent six months listening to feedback from the community, using input from builders to create Zapper Studio, and migrating apps from our closed repo to the new open repo. Now, anyone in the community can write an app integration or improve an existing one, whether they are formally part of that app’s development team or not.

In April, we ran a small beta test with a handful of developers. Here is what they have to say about Zapper Studio:

Working with Studio was a breeze. It took no time at all to get all of our on-chain and off-chain data added to Zapper. I’m looking forward to integrating PoolTogether further with Studio!

- @dylandesrosier, Software Engineer at @PoolTogether_

I used Zapper Studio to update the reward balances and to add missing deposits of Tokemak. The docs are incredibly well-detailed, which greatly facilitated the whole process. In less than a day after my initial pull request, the balances were updated on Zapper. The team was quick to reply to my questions in the #integration-buildoooors discord channel.

- @_Jabun, Frontend Dev at Tokemak

Exposing the Banano farms data to our users went down like a 🍌 smoothie due to the ease of use of Zapper Studio. Thanks to the Zapper developers for their responsiveness as we worked through the integration.

- @wrapZEpotassium, Lead Dev for wBAN at Banano

Please, Fork our Repo!

If you’re sold on participating in the development of Zapper by contributing an integration through Studio, here’s how:

  • Take a look at our updated documentation at It includes a step-by-step walkthrough of how to write an end-to-end balance fetching integration. The main requirements to write an integration are knowledge of typescript and javascript, with some basic knowledge of how smart contracts work.
  • Ready to integrate? Step two is forking our public Github repo!
  • Join our Discord and share your thoughts in the #integration-buildoooors channel. We’ll be making adjustments to Studio based on feedback from people like you, so don’t hesitate to tell us what you think.

A Glimpse at the Future of Studio

To start, Zapper Studio supports balance fetching, which means users can see their investments in real-time on our dashboard. Integrations submitted through Studio will enable balance fetching for protocols.

Of course, this is just the beginning: the capabilities of our dashboard and the web3 ecosystem go way beyond balance fetching. We have plans to allow Studio to enable new app discovery and investment opportunities through TVL fetchers and DAO integrations. Beyond this, we will invest in developer tools for building full, transactional & social experiences on Zapper, so users can seamlessly interact with and explore all that DeFi and Web3 have to offer.

We’re excited to build this future with you!

