
Defining ancestry

ZED Guide
2 min readNov 19, 2018


We focused our attention on the meaning of the different bloodlines in ZED here and here and how they impact a thoroughbreds performance and value in the marketplace. This blog will focus on the second half of a thoroughbreds genetic makeup, genotype.

Genotype is used to determine how far an offspring is away from its ancestors. The closer your thoroughbred is to their ancestors, the more valuable it will be as it retains a higher degree of purity.

Genotype is defined by ZED XXX, with the ‘XXX’ denoting a numeric code. At the launch of ZED, we will be releasing a total of 38,000 thoroughbreds panning from ZED 1 to ZED 10. These ZED 1 to ZED 10 will be the rarest thoroughbreds that will ever exist on ZED in terms of bloodline and genotype. In essence, the lower the ZED value, the more pure your thoroughbred will be. At launch, we have allocated the ZED types as follows:

As you can see, the ZED 1 Nakamoto are the rarest thoroughbreds that exist in terms of their genetic makeup. If you were lucky enough to buy these thoroughbreds during our Early Release, you would have snapped up a bargain!

Even if you own a bloodline that is not as rare as a Nakamoto, such as a Buterin bloodline, your racehorse can still be highly regarded if its ZED type is low which signifies the thoroughbreds purity given its close proximity to its ancestors.


When two thoroughbreds breed together, its new ZED type is calculated as follows;

ZED XXX of Stallion + ZED XXX of Mare

All we simply do is combine the numerical values together to create the new ZED type. For example if a ZED 12 thoroughbred breeds with a ZED 35 thoroughbred, the offspring will be ZED 47 (12 + 35). It is important to note that we will cap the ZED types to ZED 268. Consequently, if ZED 150 breeds with ZED 160, the offspring will still only be ZED 268.

“…you would have noticed that it is impossible to breed another ZED 1.”

Given that you have an understanding of how breeding works, you would have noticed that it is impossible to breed another ZED 1. The lowest ZED type that can be bred is a ZED 2, only if two ZED 1’s mate together.

Want to know more?

Head over to for more information or to buy your very own digital thoroughbred.

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ZED Guide

ZED RUN is the first game of skill horse racing game to live not only on the blockchain but in an open market.