ZED Run Development Update #2 — June 2019

Geoffrey Wellman
ZED Updates
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2019

Hello, ZED family!

Welcome to our second Developer update! There has been a lot happening behind the scenes at ZED, and although we say that often, it is most certainly true! If I reflect back over the last two weeks and when we last gave an update, it is incredible what has been achieved by such a small team.

As you are aware, we have been working hard on Breeding and Auctions in relation to near-term deliverables. However, we know Racing is dearest to your heart.

With this in mind and for such a small team, we are constantly having to balance what we are doing in an efficient way to make sure we are hitting milestones and goal posts. Subsequently, we have just finished restructuring the development team into two, to help increase efficiency and thus giving ZED clear and achievable objectives.

As a lean business, all of our development decisions have to be very strategic. In my last article, I mentioned lean startup as a way of approaching what we do and how we go about doing it.

Why the lean startup?

  • We do not have unlimited cash or resources.
  • We are doing something completely new; we are constantly learning what the market wants.
  • We have an incredibly strong vision, however, as any business knows, hiccups and bumps appear and we will have to pivot and change direction based on these unknowns.

We want to reiterate and make it clear that, Racing is certainly not sidelined while we work on those smaller features. We know that Racing is the biggest and most important feature currently that we need to deliver on. Racing will and should be game-changing.

Internally, we have already taken Racing through the lean startup cycle several times, by always trying to put ourselves in your shoes, our valued community. By understanding how you would want a race to behave, absorbing all of the feedback you have already provided via various platforms (including Product Board where we have already had loads of awesome feedback, thank you!) and then continuing to refine it. Hence, it is our goal to get something in front of the community as soon as possible.

This is where Racing Alpha comes in. We aim to have something in front of you towards the end of the year Q3, early Q4.

The intention here is to allow us to test the game mechanics, receive all of your feedback and refine it further to the point of Beta and then general release. We could not be more excited about this.

Below are a few early prototype snippets of Racing in ZED:

Excuse the .gif capture!

Racing is not easy, we need to deliver something in the meantime so that you know we are capable of delivering, some of you may say you are prepared to wait, however, I think we know that most get impatient. That is where Breeding, Auctions and Stable Management come in.

We want to take you on this journey with us, there will be highs, there will be lows, though we know it is going to be a lot of fun. The outcomes will be phenomenal due to the amazing community behind this project and the talent within the team delivering it.

So a few quick updates on those features close to release:


Testing, testing, testing. Bug fixing. Minor tweaks. Nothing more to build here. We are just refining and is on the verge of being ready to release.


Smart contracts are being audited. The team focused on Breeding will be jumping on this next.

Stable Management

Check out this! 🤤

I hope you enjoyed this weeks Developer update, and stay tuned for the next one!

Thanks for your time, ZED friends.


P.S. We are hiring! We are looking for skilled front-end, back-end and blockchain (smart contract & web3) developers. Get in touch at hello@zed.run

Join Our Community 🐎

Head over to www.zed.run to buy your very own digital thoroughbred, or join one of our fast-growing social channels below;




Geoffrey Wellman
ZED Updates

Software engineer and product manager. A passion for all things technology, currently on a rocketship building a blockchain based game. https://geoffwellman.com