Once upon a time, I lived on an island, it had a bridge to the mainland, so does it really count? It was created as a by…
When were you last out-of-control?
Current events have made us all think about our relationship to social media and Facebook in particular. As…
For contrast, a contrarian holds a view opposing a belief or opinion commonly held in a given population or culture. A contrarian’s actions will be in response to the position of the other. Therefore, a contrarian is bound to its opposite.
I have never been in good standing with hope. I could never articulate why.
They call me ‘The Seeker’ I’ve been searching low and high I won’t get to get what I’m after Till the day I die
Today I gained an understand of the plight of Millennials by taking a survey they constructed. I recently completed my…
In Zen we have a koan — an enigma wrapped in a riddle*
Answer yes, 30 blows; Answer no…
The word spiritual gets tossed around willy-nilly these days. Worse there is an endless supply of people…