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Revelytix Announces Mulgara Support in Knoodl

Revelytix, Inc. announced the incorporation of the Mulgara RDF triple store into Knoodl.com , along with Krule, a rules engine that is built into Mulgara. Zepheira partner David Wood , a co-founder of the Mulgara project, was quoted as saying, “The…

Mulgara 2.0.6. Release Extends SPARQL Support

As one of the first scalable RDF Semantic Stores, Mulgara has had a very capable query language called TQL. The Mulgara project added programmatic support for SPARQL earlier this year, but the 2.0.6. release has just added support for the SPARQL…

Zepheira and Aduna back Sesame/Mulgara Integration

Zepheira and Aduna are pleased to announce the integration of the Mulgara Semantic Store with the Sesame RDF Framework. The full press release is available here.