Are You Ready To Get Disruptive

& solve this Climate Breakdown Thing once and for all?

Rezwan Razani
Zero Carbon Playbook
5 min readFeb 13, 2018


Photo by Alejandro Alvarez on Unsplash

Footprint to Wings is a new 501c3 impact organization that is turning the Race to Zero Carbon into a national pastime and coaching each state to win.

And I Mean Literally!

We are literally forming the National Carbon League (working title) to turn the Race to Zero Carbon into a real, live, national pastime. And we are literally setting up zero carbon coaching clinics and developing materials to coach each state — from individual players through specialized teams, and all the way up to big collective action plays — to win.

Is this work/play you agree with? Join the Dream Team!

First, the Rules of the Race

The rules are simple. In the Race to Zero Carbon:

  • The first US State to achieve a net zero carbon economy with the best quality of life wins the carbon cup.
  • You are the Player (and the Player has rights!).
  • Your State is your Team as a whole.
  • Between you and your State are Specialized Teams, like your household, school, company, city.
  • All the Plays of all the Players and Specialized Teams have to add up to get your state to zero. This is a team sport. You’re not done ’til your whole state is at zero, and we have ways of keeping score.

How do you keep score?

Glad you asked! Keeping score is a key part of the game. We have a unique approach to scoring that makes a big difference in understanding the game and the options. We have a creative approach to metrics that is eye opening. Perhaps you’ve heard of the #FirstGigawattDown?

Heads up! We’re looking for candidates for the scoreboard committee!

In the meantime, guess which State is in the lead? (Yes, US “State” focused now. International version coming soon.)

But…Is The Race Winnable?

It better be! Otherwise we’ll have to come up with the “Dark Prize.”

Have faith. We’re all going to win this race. Just…one state is going to win FIRST! Which state will it be?

No, Seriously. How do we actually Win This Race?

Ah! This is the meat and potatoes of the coaching component!

To win a game, you need to be good at the game. You need to understand the game, and practice and play hard. You need some practical skills, accurate information, the right mindset — and you need to execute.

It’s a lot to pull together. If you’re serious about pulling it off; to bring out your potential, you need coaching. We’re here to coach you. Online and off, via…

Zero Carbon Coaching Clinics & More!

The coaching is organized around “Zero Carbon Coaching Clinics” — turbo charged eco fairs that take people through a systematic process to figure out how they really want to win this game. Our coaching begins with the endgame in mind. We take an unflinching, candid look at the options. Here’s the video to explain it:

Like the video? Hit the like button! And Subscribe to our channel!

How we’re different from other Climate organizations

We’re different. Here’s how we would coach Al Gore and the Climate Reality project. Team Climate Reality is great at “explaining that climate change is real”, but they stall out on the solutions.

We flip that script. It’s all solutions, all the time. We assume you already know climate change is out of control.

Another key difference with our approach is that we are inclusive and trans partisan — as you’ll see at minute 6:55 of the Coaching Clinic video. We leverage tribalism and the tendency toward polarization. We invite all players to put all solutions on the table.

Red State solutions ❤️, Blue State solutions 💙, wild card solutions 🃏 are all possible.

As zero carbon coaches, we meet the player where they are and help them work through their initial mindset, their (usually vague) initial set of plays. We help them flesh out those plays, figure out how far they can (or want to) go with them, what’s actually involved. We help players and their teams/communities think things through. This accelerates decision making. You get clear on your next steps; or you discover more quickly that you want to pivot and can get started on exploring the rest of your options.

If this is work you support, jump in and join our merry band of zero carbon players:

  • Take The Player’s Pledge;
  • Advanced player with skills and strategy to impart? Take the Coaches Pledge and help others! Earn your coaching cap.
  • Show the video to your community to start the conversation. Invite us along for a Q&A at the screening, either in person or via conference call.
  • Contact us to help you set up a Zero Carbon Coaching Clinic in your school or community. There’s a lot involved, and this is a great way to find the local zero carbon coaching talent in your community.
  • Proclamation Challenge: Invite the Mayor to read the Zero Carbon Proclamation at the clinic.
  • Tech people: We need help developing the scoreboard/playbook app. Also the “Switch” app. Contact us!
  • Try the #TableclothChallenge. It will inspire and invigorate.
  • And of course, 💚 Contribute to Footprint to Wings.💚 Your investment makes it happen.
Coach the Race to Zero Carbon!

What’s at the end of the race? Aside from the glory, sustainability and satisfaction that it brings? Good question. What is a suitable prize for a state crossing the net zero line? Join the prize committee and pull together the ultimate prize.

And now, imagine the sustainable world you desire, as well as all the heroic steps you had to take to get there.

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

To zero carbon and beyond!

Help Support the Footprint to Wings mission:

💚 Contribute to Footprint to Wings.💚 Your investment makes it happen.

And don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter plus free gift guide! See you at the races.

