ZCP Update 21st February — Zero Carbon Project goes global with Carbon Offsets Market launch, join TechWest.London and Upstream on the 28th of March 2019 for a discussion on blockchain technology and Ionbond, a major UK engineering manufacturer, use Zero Carbon Market to save money while switching to zero-carbon energy.

Darren Moore
Zero Carbon Project
2 min readFeb 21, 2019


Zero Carbon Project goes global with Carbon Offsets Market launch

The new Zero Carbon Offsets Market allows our global community to contribute towards tackling climate change and earn ZeroCarbon token rewards by purchasing ZeroCarbon Offsets. Use our simple to use Carbon Footprint calculator to offset your carbon with a UNFCCC certified Certified Emission Reduction (CER).

Register with Zero Carbon Project to earn income as you combat climate change. Once you have registered you will gain access to the Zero Carbon Market consumer portal. This portal includes access to the energy switching markets and to the offsets market.

Find out more about joining the Zero Carbon community.

Join TechWest.London and Upstream on the 28th of March 2019 for networking and a panel discussion on blockchain technology

TechWest.London focuses on building connections within West London’s tech and creative community. This event is a panel discussion on different live applications of Blockchain Technology, including HSBC and our CEO Derek Myers discussing the Zero Carbon Project.

Apply for tickets today.

Ionbond, a major UK engineering manufacturer, uses Zero Carbon Market to save money while switching to zero carbon energy

Ionbond switched from fossil fuel electricity to Orsted, the Danish renewable energy company. Securing a cheaper price than the most competitive fossil fuel electricity prices on offer using Zero Carbon Market’s business auction facility.

Ionbond will source their electricity from offshore wind farms to reduce their CO2 emissions by 491 tonnes/year. This is equivalent to eliminating emissions from 386 households.

Find out more on Ionbond’s story. Register today and switch your household or business online.

