ZCP Update 28th September — Pre-launch Trial Success, Blockchain World Summit and Two Breakthroughs

Darren Moore
Zero Carbon Project
3 min readOct 2, 2018


This week we bring you another in-depth interview of CEO Derek Myers from our successful presentations at the Blockchain World Summit last week. Also, we bring you exciting news of a wave-technology breakthrough and a promising announcement from the BBC.

But more excitingly, find out about the success of our trials below!

Zero Carbon customers earn generous rewards as early adopters in pre-launch trial

Read about the success and rewards three of our early adopters received by switching their energy to green suppliers. Find out how they saved money, reduced their carbon footprint, and received token rewards equivalent to up to three months of their electricity bill.

Zero Carbon Project at Blockchain World Summit

Zero Carbon attended the Blockchain World Summit in London last week. It was great to exhibit and present, and also to meet more community members face-to-face. Check out this interview introducing next month’s Market launch!

Blockchain World Summit Interview

Interview People of Blockchain: Derek Myers

Read our CEO’s backstory and find out how we got into blockchain and how we believe in taking the long-term view to solving real-world problems using technology.

People of Blockchain Interview

Tidal Energy Breakthrough

This 2MW prototype turbine off Orkney generated more electricity in the first 12 months than Scotland’s entire wave and tidal sector before it. UK firms continue working on tidal energy technology which remains expensive due to high maintenance costs from wear-and-tear. At times this one turbine generated enough to power over a quarter of Orkney’s homes.

Tidal Energy Breakthrough

The BBC Expands Climate Change Coverage

With the chilling headline “‘If Europe’s ports are underwater, Brexit may seem less important’” this week the BBC announces it will commit to covering climate change on its flagship Radio 4 and World Service programmes at least once a week. It is great news that the mainstream media is finally reporting on climate change and their first story will be on Norway’s mission to become Europe’s renewable energy “battery.”

Climate Change Coverage Breakthrough

