Fear not, Lead that’s the best way

Fear is our strongest emotion. It is our best friend & the worst enemy.

Manoj Singh Negi
3 min readOct 5, 2017


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You have to lead. In everyday life, we curl up in a corner whenever life wants us to lead. If you don’t take control of your life guess what will happen? other people will dictate your every decision no matter how small or big, from what you eat to what your opinions are to what you do at your job.

It’s scary to have no map, not knowing the next thing you will be doing, relying on nothing more than just your instincts. I know I still struggle with it but guess what if you make yourself feel more uncomfortable you will certainly achieve more.

That’s the anti-pattern.

Fear is the anti-pattern.

Our brain thinks if we don’t do things we fear we will be happier, but that’s not the case in real life the opposite is true. The more we will do things we fear the happier we get as we don’t have to care about those things now, suddenly they are not that much full of fear.

Our brain wants us to feel comfortable & safe so it invented fear. If we fear from public speaking guess what we don’t have to do public speaking right? My boss dictates every move I make, my creativity is lost and I am not able to produce the best work I can should I change my job? NAHH!! I am just doing fine here BTW maybe I will not find another job right ? can you sense that emotion? I don’t know about you but I can that’s what we call fear always trying to stop us from doing the next best thing we meant to do in order to proceed further towards our goal.

Fear is our strongest emotion. It is our best friend & the worst enemy.

Fear is our strongest emotion. It is our best friend & the worst enemy. It helped our ancestors in staying alive. Ask yourself what do you fear? and the answer to this question will give you a list of things you need to do in order to succeed.

And here comes the leading, So the next question comes to mind is why lead?

Why lead ?

Let me answer this question for you.

You have to lead because leading transforms you. It makes you a Leader. If you lead people you will come close to them rather than hiding behind those corporate doors and job titles. You will learn to delegate tasks. You will learn from your team members. You will discover that maybe leading is not that hard. You will discover the unknown while everyone will be waiting for their fear to consume them. You will become the person every one look up to. You will learn to listen to people and most important of all you will learn that fearing from something is okay but facing it is the right thing to do.

Did you find that scary? Most people do that’s why it’s not hard to guess why there is fewer number of people who achieve what they want.

And because it’s scary it’s worth doing, worth pursuing and finding what’s on the other side.

Hi, My name is Manoj Singh Negi. I am a Javascript Developer and writer sharing my world view with everyone join my quest by following me at Twitter or Medium.

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Manoj Singh Negi

I write about Javascript http://eepurl.com/co0DYj. Solving people problems using code. Javascript developer, Writer.