Thinking about something !!!

Ajay Singh
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2018

Thinking about something, for example, your dreams and goals, and then start thinking in your mind about them when you start pursuing your dreams and goals you will do this and that, and it will be good for you if you do this and then everything will be in my control and favour at that time. And at that time there was too much curiosity in your brain. But all these things are fine theoretically. But, What about practically? Hmm… according to my understanding. When you are thinking about something and that thing, you gladly need is a good thing, but when you start doing something then there are some negative thoughts getting started in your mind and some negative peoples around. And that time negative thought of quitting your goals and dreams will drag you into trouble. I will tell you in this post how to deal and fight with them. And start focusing on what you want to achieve.

1. What you do is right or wrong?

When you are starting pursuing the things that you want for a very long time and thinking about them for a very long time also. Then you realise this is the right thing for me because I already am thinking about them for a very long time. If you feel that when you are pursuing something is not that thing that you really want. Then think wisely about that if you want to give up on them. Then you should also compare the thing with the new thing you want now and which is better previous or newer. If is it better than the previous one then stick to a newer one. If it is not better than the previous one than always stick to old one and don’t think too much just go with the flow. Then otherwise always trying.

2. When I get a reward?

Its don’t matter when you got a reward because you know if you start knowing new things it’s hard to get a reward at the early stage of learning and pursuing something. At that time don’t look for a reward. The only thing is you can look into it that is knowledge. Otherwise, Be patient and keep calm. Because calm mind brings your inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for focusing on something.

3.Possible or impossible?

When you doing things or something that you want at that particular time, one thought also come to your mind what I am doing it’s possible or impossible for me. According to my knowledge at that time you can believe in your self. Because It always seems impossible until it is done. When you have done then, you realise the whole process of doing something. So, keep believing in yourself, and that is the vital thing for motivating yourself.

4.How much time?

First of all, learn to enjoy every minute of life, trying and playing with the things you really want. When you are pursuing your goal sometime, you think how much time will be getting to be done. And that’s a normal thing everyone gone through this thing. Don’t get unfocused by this. Believe in yourself and stay focused to do your work from time to time. Because the time is always right to do what is right. And always remember the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. And if you respect the time then time will pay you back as soon as possible.

And at the end don’t make things too complicated. Try to relax, enjoy every moment, get used to everything.

This is my second article about life and success i hope you will like it,and i will be writing more article about life as soon as possible.

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Hi, My name is Ajay Singh Rajput. I am a Frontend Developer at ZestGeek. I write about JavaScript and reactjs. And sharing my worldview with everyone join my quest by following me at Twitter or Medium.

Want to learn more about JavaScript and React js? Check out my other articles:

  1. Power of Gratitude in life
  2. Create and deploy react app on Heroku
  3. Closures in JavaScript
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  5. Login with GitHub and Microsoft in reactjs

6. Login with Facebook and Google in reactjs

7. How to setup redux and react router v4 in your react app

8. Setting up a React.js project with simple steps

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Ajay Singh

I love web development and I believe learning can’t stop in life and I am a very good listener, want greatness in life, passionate towards learning new things.