Cultivating audience loyalty through gaming

Turning audiences into a community

2 min readFeb 15, 2024


Photo by Carl Raw on Unsplash

Imagine a world where news consumption is not only informative but also enjoyable, where your actions are rewarded, and where you become an integral part of a vibrant community.

This is the vision we bring to life through the development of a gamified audience engagement system.

As the editor at Community Podium, I am thrilled to introduce my capstone project as part of the Innovate360 program. My aim is to create a gamified audience engagement system for Community Podium, a participatory media organization dedicated to providing inclusive platforms for marginalized voices to be heard.

This project entails implementing a points and badges system to reward audiences for actions such as sharing articles, leaving comments, and participating in polls.

By seamlessly integrating this system into popular platforms like Facebook and X using a third-party plugin, our project aims to increase user interactions, expand social media reach, and improve conversion rates. Ultimately, this will lead to enhanced commercial value and revenue opportunities for Community Podium.

Beyond the mere acquisition of rewards and badges, gamification injects fun into the user experience, encouraging active participation and fostering a sense of community. By incentivizing participation, our gamified system motivates audiences to contribute more to the community and engage in activities they might not have considered otherwise. Additionally, users can track their progress and witness their improvements over time, providing a source of motivation and satisfaction.

Furthermore, our system can be tailored to the individual needs and preferences of users, making it more engaging and relevant to them. This customization drives the commercial value of Community Podium by ensuring that our content resonates deeply with our audience. Tracking user behaviour and participation will provide valuable insights into audience preferences, motivations, and engagement patterns.

In the coming months, I will conduct audience profiling through surveys and polls to gain insights into the demographics and preferences of our social media followers. This will enable me to customize content for various demographic groups and cater to their interests in trending political, economic, and social topics.

I invite you to join me on this journey by providing feedback, sharing insights, or ideas. Your contribution is invaluable. Please feel free to reach out to via email at

