Developing a Membership Subscription Model

Why ZimLive is experimenting with reader revenue

Marshall Bwanya
2 min readApr 25, 2024


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In an era where the digital transformation of media has become imperative, is at the forefront of re-imagining it’s revenue and audience engagement model to become more sustainable.

With the support of the Innovate360 program, I am embarking on an ambitious project to develop a membership subscription model tailored to meet the evolving needs of ZimLive audiences.

As part of my capstone project, I'm helping my newsroom develop a reader revenue model for my newsroom. This model is inspired by successful precedents closer home such as South Africa's Daily Maverick’s membership initiative.

My goal is to enhance ZimLive’s sustainability and independence, fostering a closer community of readers who are engaged, informed, and supportive of the outlet’s mission.

Thanks to the Innovate360 program which has broadened my understanding of various revenue models and the critical role of audience engagement in entrepreneurial journalism.

This knowledge has been instrumental in my evolution to develop a revenue model tailored to the unique needs and expectations of readers.

My vision is not just adapting a business model; I plan to help ZimLive build a platform that resonates with community need as well as support a sustainable future for independent journalism.

Benefits of the membership initiative would include exclusive access to tailor-made content, in-depth newsletters, and behind-the-scenes insights into our newsroom processes, fostering greater transparency and trust.

I am currently in the development phase of the initiative and my initial activities include conducting market research to gauge the feasibility of the project by understanding our audience's preferences and needs. This step is crucial as it will help me refine the model to ensure it delivers value and resonates with early supporters.

Part of our community listening efforts will be spearheaded through our vibrant X page @ZimLive to inspire to build a collaborative process. If you would like to provide direct feedback you can contact me by email at

I look forward to sharing more updates as we progress and am enthusiastic about the potential impact this project could have on the future of journalism in Zimbabwe.

