Zippie Product Update — May 2019

Pasi Rusila
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2019

The Zippie product team continued productizing the Zippie rewards wallet in May prior to our commercial launch. Let’s dive in!

Streamlined wallet and onboarding UX

Zippie’s target users are everyday people in emerging markets such as Kenya, Zambia and India, instead of tech-savvy crypto users. The Zippie product experience reflects that in all its simplicity. Our design marvel Jaakko has been working relentlessly to iterate our UI and user flows towards a more streamlined and dynamic experience. The design work is still ongoing but we can already share a small teaser below on how the next version of Zippie’s “window of opportunity” will look like. Let us know in Twitter and Telegram what you think :)

Imaginary gaming brand using the Zippie wallet to offer its users ways to send value, earn rewards, do shopping, and more.

ERC-721 support to enable vouchers

The Zippie rewards wallet now supports ERC-721 tokens. While most tokens such as ERC-20 are fungible (every token is the same as every other token), ERC-721 tokens are all unique, like collectables. Our initial use case for these unique tokens are vouchers and coupons.

Many of our business partners want to use the white-label Zippie wallet to reward their end-users with pre-paid mobile airtime. Moreover, many partners are interested in rewarding their users with other items which have everyday value, such as coupons to their favourite stores and restaurants. With ERC-721 support and our partnership with a global coupon provider, we can offer shareable coupons for our business partners as a one cool way to reward their users.

Move to Goerli testnet finished

As mentioned in our previous blog post, we’ve been working to migrate to Ethereum’s Goerli testnet from Kovan testnet. We’re happy to let you know that the transition was smooth and Zippie is now on Goerli. This also gave us the chance to test how assets might be migrated across blockchains and to deploy CREATE2 based Personal Multisig Contracts.

Work in progress: Tuning rewards API and documentation, building admin dashboard

We also continued finishing the other parts of the Zippie core offering, including rewards API and related documentation for partners and a dashboard where partners can manage their rewards campaigns. The team also worked hard to make it as smooth as possible for end-users to convert their airtime tokens to actual airtime, which they can use in their smartphones instantly for mobile data and calls.

For more updates and discussion, you’re welcome to follow Zippie at Telegram, Twitter and Youtube. See you there!

