Get a Sound Sleep with Sleep Sounds!

Asna Mushir
Zizz by Sleep Z
Published in
7 min readAug 15, 2019

Zizz is a publication run by Sleep Z app for iPhone. Sleep Z is sleep sound app used by hundreds of people to relax and sleep. Fall asleep faster and get a better sleep tonight with Sleep Z. Download Sleep Z today!

When nothing goes right, go to sleep! but when it is even impossible to fall asleep, You have a big problem. We have more problems trying to sleep due to excessive competition that leads to over working, anxiety, stress and depression and the inability to sleep adds to the cortisol. This article reveals about certain sleep sounds that help fall asleep and eradicate insomnia, and talks about how do the sleep sounds work and how to use them on daily basis.

Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s ear is Sound whereas Sleep is the resting state in which the body is not active, the mind unconscious and the muscles relaxed for several hours every night of your life!

When we talk about sound and sleep together, we automatically think about the negative impacts of sound on our sleep that loud city, noisy neighbors, barking dogs, and even a snoring partner comes right to our minds. Though on the other hand, there are some sounds that are quite beneficial for rest. Not only can those soothing sounds help you fall asleep, but certain ones can even help you get deeper better quality shut-eye.

Sound and Noise

Before we go ahead, we must understand the difference between Sound and noise. Vibrations of air particles having regular variations make sound, whereas vibrations of particles having highly irregular variations create noise. Unlike sound, noise is unwanted and undesired.

Sound does not have any harmful effects on health; on the contrary, it has some positive effects on the health whereas noise does not.

Excessive loud noise can result in hearing loss, anomalies in the cardiovascular system, hypertension, and faster palpitation. You don’t need a scientist to tell you that noises will annoy you even in sleep. Noises at nighttime are irritating and disruptive and cause stress and psychological effects that are marked by irritation, panic attacks, anxiety disorder, intense nervousness, inattentiveness.

A Good Night’s sleep! — The Importance

It’s rightly said; when nothing goes right, Go To Sleep! A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health. In fact, it’s just as important as healthy eating and exercising. After all, you spend 1/3rd of your life sleeping, so why not do it right!

Proper sleep has been shown to improve problem-solving skills Concentration and Productivity and enhance memory performance of both children and adults. Overall an adult needs at least 7–8 hours of sleep per night. (According to National Sleep Foundation)

The inability to sleep and its effects:

Have you lied down on the bed, trying to sleep, staring at the ceiling, cuddling in your blanket and yet you can not sleep? Despite all these sleep advantages, people are not able to sleep properly for various reasons such as:

· Overthinking: Probably the most common non-medical reason for short-term insomnia is a mind filled with worries and stress.

· Coffee: a bedtime cup of coffee is always a bad idea; it keeps your mind active for long and prevents you from sleeping.

· Overwork: the excessive competition in any sector be it education, work, the business has led the people to overwork and over schedule which further leads to a rise in cortisol, anxiety, and stress.

· Excessive use of technology: Use of social media, mobile phones, televisions, and surfing keeps you captivated for long and lingers your sleep.

· Late night gaming: It can keep your mind busy and make it difficult for you to sleep!

All of these reasons lead to insomnia which has some adverse effects on the human body,

One in three people suffers from at least mild insomnia round the globe. Insomnia has adverse effects on your body, if not treated well on time. It may lead to concentration issues, accidents, high blood pressure, weakened immunity, the risk for diabetes and heart diseases, weight gain due to high cortisol, low sex drive and endless other adverse effects!

Hence we understand that it is important for us to complete our sleep cycle each day properly for a healthy lifestyle and certain sounds can help you achieve that. Sleep Sound apps like Sleep Z are great to prevent and even cure insomnia.

How sound helps you Fall Asleep?

Sound has a direct effect on your brain. It can soothe your stressed-out nerve cells at the time of panic or anxiety attacks. Whether you’re looking to drown out disruptive noises or trying to quiet an overactive mind, there are a number of ways to harness music and audio sounds to improve your sleep hygiene. You just need to know the right type of sound to listen to.

Types of sound;

Just as colors are used to describe different kinds of light, we can use colors to help describe different kinds of noise.

· White noise:

By combining a variety of sound waves across a wide frequency range, white noise works by masking other more jarring or inconsistent noise during the night. White noise machines can help you fall asleep and stay asleep longer.

One of the things that make noise annoying is that the mind notices little changes in the backdrop of sound in the environment, becoming alert to every tiny noise is a problem when it keeps us awake or keeps us from being able to concentrate.

White noise changes that background sound: the overall level of sound in the environment is higher Also, the sound quality is featureless, so there are no details for the mind to latch onto and be alerted by. That is why it has a soothing quality — it allows the mind to relax.

· Pink Noise:

Similar to white noise, pink noise combines a wide range of frequencies — Though the research is still in the early stages, scientists have found that pink noise may significantly increase periods of deep slow-wave sleep — which can have a positive impact on memory retention.

· Binaural Beats:

Binaural beats utilize a process called entrainment — by which brainwave patterns are altered by exposure to certain sound wave frequencies. Binaural beats usually require the use of headphones: the user hears sounds at slightly different frequencies in either ear.

Science has shown that exposure to this type of variance in sound waves will prompt the brain to process and absorb a lower-frequency tone. That, in turn, slows down brainwave activity in a way that may help lower anxiety, fall asleep faster and achieve more quality rest.

· ASMR: A newly discovered phenomenon, ASMR stands for “autonomous sensory meridian response.” It includes intensely pleasurable and tingling sensations in response to specific sounds or images, most commonly whispering, tapping or hand movements. While not everyone experiences ASMR, those that do have found it to be beneficial in treating insomnia and other sleep issues.

The mechanisms at work behind ASMR, nobody actually knows why people react the way they actually do. It could be that the video has a particular that you find greatly satisfying and it eases and soothes your brain or that the simple sounds lull you into a relaxed state.

What does this ASMR experience feel like? It’s both a physical and emotional experience. The sensations start with a tingling in the scalp that spreads across the head and neck, and often traveling to the arms and legs. Accompanying these sensations are powerful feelings of satisfaction, a rush of relaxation and calm, and a deep sense of comfort and well being.

The sound app for iPhone, Sleep Z, has been medically approved and includes an amalgamation of all these sounds in the right order to help you fall asleep. Hundreds of Satisfied users rely on Sleep Z to fall asleep each night. It is like a sleeping partner for them. Find the download link for Sleep Z here.

Ways to Hear Your Sound in Bed

You have your sleep sound and you have a sound player; now what’s the best way to deliver the sound to your ears as you’re lying in bed:

· Using Earplugs: Earplugs get the sound right to your ear. They’re also the least audible to your bed partner. Disadvantages are that they can be awkward for sleeping, uncomfortably warm, or irritating to the ears.

· A pillow speaker: A speaker that can be used with any pillow is a versatile device that you can adapt to work with your own pillow, sleep habits, and listening preferences.

· Through speakers: Let the speaker deliver the sound to your ears.

How to Apply sleep sounds to your sleep:

· Find a perfect, comfortable and cozy spot for sleeping with the right temperature

· Make sure the noise from outside is minimal, close all the windows and doors.

· Switch of all the lights, darkness helps you sleep well.

· Switch on your sound system to hear the sleep sound

· Close your eyes and try to relax your muscles.

· Concentrate on the sound that is being played and pause all the background thoughts in your mind.

· Take deep Proper Breaths. It will help you further relax.

· You will notice your body muscles relaxing, your brain slowing down and you will eventually sleep.

Hence we understand that being a globally active, fast growing world it is required of us to be active, fresh and available all the time. This competition has adversely affected our sleep cycle. The people today are more depressed than ever. The need for proper sleep is a must and can not be compromised with and to ensure that one must use sleep sounds! Sleep sounds not only help you sleep easily and peacefully but also enhance the quality of your sleep and help you sleep like a child. Apps like Sleep Z are a great help to get that perfect environment, atmosphere and sound for you to sleep. Download Sleep Z for iPhone today!



Asna Mushir
Zizz by Sleep Z

I write because when I do, I don’t feel the need to do anything else!