Go to Zooming on Scale Relativity
Zooming on Scale Relativity
Explore and discuss the relativity of scales in nature — By Stephan Lebohec & Clément Vidal
Note from the editor

The purpose of this blog is to initiate discussions about scale relativity theory. Scale Relativity extends relativity by including relative scales or resolutions as additional relative parameters characterising reference frames alongside relative positions, orientations and motions. Articles and books on Scale Relativity are often technical. We would like to provide zooms and highlights, to initiate discussions on key theoretical concepts and insights, as well as focusing on successful applications, results and predictions. We think that scale relativity is still receiving a surprisingly low level of attention in comparison to the now impressive body of results it has led to. This blog is an attempt to remedy to this lack of visibility. We hope that physicists and scientists in general, be they professional researchers, students or amateurs will be attracted to participating to this blog which we envision as a friendly discussion platform to explore, reflect and learn about the relation between scales in nature. Welcome to this fascinating intellectual journey!

Go to the profile of Stephan LeBohec
Stephan LeBohec
I teach physics at the University of Utah. After many years working in experimental astrophysics, I recently moved my research to scale relativity.
Go to the profile of Clément Vidal
Clément Vidal
Big questions philosopher. Encouraging people to search and find a meaning of life in harmony with cosmic evolution.