How ZTX Aims to Onboard 1B Users — Introduction to Smart Accounts

ZTX Official
Published in
5 min readDec 6, 2023

With the official ZTX Beta launch approaching, we want to reiterate our vision for bringing the next 1B users to web3 and how we plan to achieve it.


ZTX is building a new way for players, communities, and creators to interact. As the web3 initiative enabled by the technology and IP of ZEPETO — the largest metaverse in Asia, it will be the gateway into web3 for millions of users. ZTX will offer an industry-leading gaming experience while empowering anyone to turn their passions into opportunities.

To achieve this, ZTX aims to make the onboarding and gameplay experience as seamless as possible for users from all backgrounds.

Playing games and exploring your passions should be fun, not intimidating. This blog will provide a preview of how ZTX aims to accomplish that.

Introducing ZTX Accounts

ZTX is teaming up with thirdweb, a web3 infrastructure provider, to offer our users a seamless, all-in-one web3 experience via ZTX Smart Accounts.

One of the largest problems with accessibility to web3 games for players has always been the need to set up a wallet, manage the different mobile apps or web extensions for the newly created wallet, and connect that wallet to the game. Up until now, it has been almost impossible to allow players to connect to native PC and Mac games with their existing wallets. We’re taking a novel approach to try and solve this problem for our first cohort of players.

Smart accounts will improve the in-game wallet experience in addition to enabling a host of features to help onboard users. We’re excited to share that ZTX Accounts will be supported upon Beta launch, with new features being introduced over time.

What are ZTX Accounts?

At the user level, ZTX Accounts remove friction and unlock powerful in-game functionality that will make ZTX a better experience for both those who are familiar with web3 and those who aren’t. At the technical level, ZTX Accounts are wallets that are controlled by a smart contract (using the ERC-4337 standard). Hence the term ‘smart’ accounts.

Smart accounts can be thought of as proxy wallets. Instead of requiring another private key/seed phrase, smart accounts are accessed and controlled through an existing wallet, such as MetaMask. Additional ‘keys’ for managing smart accounts could include social logins, device fingerprints and authenticators. Because of the smart-contract nature, these accounts can enable a host of pre-approved functions that would have otherwise caused additional friction.

ZTX Accounts will act as a single and seamless account for everything a ZTX player needs while keeping them connected to any wallets they may want to leverage for in-game activities. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits and opportunities ZTX Accounts will unlock.

What are some features of ZTX Accounts?

  • Less signing — smart accounts enable session keys, which means that users can sign one transaction at the start of a ZTX session and won’t need to sign for the duration of it. Ultimately leading to fewer in-game interruptions!
  • Gas optimization — smart accounts enable two unique features when it comes to gas payments. First, users could select what token they want to use for gas instead of having to use the network token and second ZTX could sponsor transactions to help onboard those who aren’t familiar with the concept.
  • Not another seed phrase — as mentioned above, smart accounts are created, accessed, and managed via existing wallets. That means users can simply start playing ZTX using their metamask or other local wallet.
  • Social logins — instead of using a crypto wallet, smart accounts can also be created and managed via social logins. More on this below
  • Extra security — another aspect of smart accounts is that they can enable users to create and require multiple keys, or 2FA.

As smart account technology continues to evolve, ZTX Account will too. We’re excited to be working with the team at thirdweb who continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in web3.

The list above is by no means exhaustive, nor will it be offered upon Beta Launch. It is here to show you why ZTX has chosen to implement Smart Accounts into the user experience and what to get excited about for the future.

Social Logins, Bridging & On-Ramps

Accessibility is required to onboard the next 1B. As such, shortly after Beta Launch ZTX aims to support social logins and 2FA features. This will allow new and existing users to create and manage ZTX Accounts using options such as email, Twitter, and Discord.

In addition to smoother logins, ZTX will be working alongside thirdweb to integrate leading bridging and fiat on-ramping providers into the all-inclusive ZTX Account experience. These actions are requirements for using web3 and DeFi. Yet, they are riddled with complexity and can be intimidating for those just starting out in web3.

The goal of integrating bridging and on-ramping into ZTX Accounts would be two-fold. First, reduce the friction new users encounter when onboarding into web3 and ZTX. Second, it will provide web3 natives and existing users with seamless account management all without having to leave the ZTX app.

Bringing the ZEPETO Ecosystem to ZTX

Onboarding ZEPETO’s massive user base is a key part of ZTX’s roadmap. Our recent ZTX Hoodie campaign on ZEPETO, which onboarded over 200k users in a single day, is one example of how this is possible. ZTX will continue to explore innovative and exciting avenues to onboard ZEPETO users upon Beta launch.

After the Beta, ZTX will work with thirdweb to add support for ZEPETO accounts as an option for creating and managing ZTX Accounts. This means that any existing ZEPETO user can start playing ZTX with virtually no additional setup required. When combined with the on-ramp integration, ZTX creates an accessible and frictionless entry into the world of web3 for close to half a billion new users.

What’s Next: ZTX Beta Launch

The ZTX Beta launch is approaching. ZTX will leverage smart accounts upon launch, however, social logins and bridge, ramps, and ZEPETO integrations will not be supported yet. To play ZTX you will need a local wallet that works with the Arbitrum network, such as MetaMask.

The purpose of this blog was to give a preview of what’s to come. Making the onboarding, account management, and gameplay experiences as seamless as possible for web3 natives and non-natives is imperative to our team. After the Beta launch, we’re excited to start integrating the features mentioned in today’s blog and many more on the roadmap ahead.

That’s all for today’s blog. Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming Beta release dates and details.



ZTX Official

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