Why I Left a Successful Creator Career for Full-Time Work

Spoiler: it wasn’t the money.

Zulie Rane
Zulie Writes


A few weeks ago, I was at the Taylor Swift concert in Munich. One of my friends Sinem was in the area so we met up for coffee! Despite being friends since 2020, we’ve only met in person twice — once at my wedding, and then this past July in Germany.

Zulie and Sinem Günel in Germany! Image by author

She’s such a successful creator, really the whole package. She has a thriving business: she works on projects she believes in, she gets to write as much as she likes, and she learns new skills all the time.

She leads a very full life outside of work, too. She was in Munich because she’d just finished up a multi-day yoga retreat. She goes on frequent holidays, she has time for her friends and family, and she pursues nonwork hobbies, too.

She’s happy with her life, and she deserves every success and ounce of joy because she built it all herself with her partner, Philip.

As we caught up over kaffee und kuchen, I reflected that until recently, I had what she had. I had workdays that were done by 12 or 1 pm. I wrote about what I wanted, whether that was AI image generators or cat myths. I went for runs when I felt like it, I spent time on extravagant baking projects, and I always had time to read my books.



Zulie Rane
Zulie Writes

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.