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Zumba Tech
Zumba Tech
A growing fitness and health organization with a very driven technology department supporting millions of people worldwide.
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Elasticsearch Series: Let It Work for You

This is the second entry in a series on Elasticsearch and how we use it in our applications. See the previous entry on Rebuilding Indices with No Downtime.

Elasticsearch Series: Rebuilding Indices with No Downtime

This is the first entry in a series on Elasticsearch and how we use it in our applications.

Many of our applications have some form of search. In the beginning, many of these were implemented via querying…

Zumbatech takes on #hackforchange

On June 6, 2015, a team of engineers from Zumbatech decided to contribute in an all-day hackathon event called Hackforchange. This is a national effort for civic hacking that brings engineers and designers together to make a positive impact in our communities.