ZVC Official MainNet Launch — DeFi Economy is here | Cosmic Reward II

ZVC Team
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2019

ZVChain has attracted nearly 1,000 staking nodes from more than 10 countries . We sincerely thank the miners for their contributions to the improvement of the ZVChain.

ZVChain’s mission is to build a decentralize economy and simplify business interactions for users and enterprises.

ZVChain Achievements

🗺 ️Events held at key regions, attracting over thousands guests and investors in SEA, Middle East, Europe and more.

🚀 DeFi solutions for supply chain finance, lending, stable coin issuance and payment gateway for digital assets.

💯 Code Audit of ZVC blockchain and smart contract.

🔑 Protect data privacy & regulatory-compliant public DeFi blockchain.

✅ Partnership with multiple Proof of Stake staking management services and exchanges.

🥳 Over a total community impression of 89k+ and community supporters of 10k+ across ZVChain social media accounts.

🆕 Introduced new PoS features such as borrowing staking rights and forming delegation.

ZVChain Technical Performance

ZVChain has experienced a stress test of over 5000+ nodes, achieving a stable block production of 3 seconds and TPS around 1200–1500, with a peak of 3000+. In order to improve the network’s better connectivity, ZVChain proposed an improved P2P NAT algorithm that also increased the existing 30% NAT network penetration rate to 95%. Visit our block explorer at https://explorer.zvchain.io/#/. Technical Roadmap ahead also include developing our smart contract SDK here and developing our DeFi Products further, including our ZV Wallet available for download here.

ZVC Cosmic Reward II — #LOVEZVC

ZVChain Cosmic Reward Program will recognise the support from #ZVC community supporters. Series of cosmic reward will be announced soon, stay tune to our official channels.

Mission time: September 29th — 2359 October 7th (GMT+8)

Mission: Share this following post link with your friends on your social media accounts with the following link either on

Telegram/Reddit: https://medium.com/zvchain/zvc-official-mainnet-launch-defi-economy-is-here-cosmic-reward-ii-c39c40b3b62f


Retweet on Twitter : https://twitter.com/zv_chain/status/1177974993570816001?s=20 + #lovezvc

Completed entries submitted through this form will receive 15 ZVC reward each participant. First 150 participants submission will win this cosmic reward II. Extra bonus : The top two most forwarded entries will receive 200 ZVC and 100 ZVC respectively.

Note : Submit your entry before 7th October or be the first 150 successful submission. Entries will be double check to prevent spam and with at least 4 likes/comments to qualify. Rewards will be decided and distributed by the Foundation on 28th October 2019.

ZVChain Cosmic Reward I : AMA session with ZVC (https://t.me/ZVChain_Official) and Latoken (https://t.me/latoken). Winners will receive their ZVC reward before 7th October 2019.

Where do i trade ZVC?

ZVC (ERC-20) : MXC, Latoken, Hoopower and more to be announced.

ZVC (Mainnet) : ~Waiting for exchanges to convert~

ZVC Mainnet conversion : Convert ZVC (ERC-20) to Mainnet native coin here. Read the following note!!

Note : Do not deposit ZVC (ERC-20) to your ZVC address. Deposit ZVC (ERC-20) to your Ethereum address either in Metamask/imToken. Access the conversion page and swap to zvchain wallet that you have private key access to. The conversion process of ZVC will take 1–2 hour to appear as balance.

How do i create a ZVC address?

ZVC Wallet address : ZV Wallet from https://www.zvchain.io/Download.html

ZVC Mining Address: Miner program here and follow setup procedures here.

Note : You can only stake on the mining address and run the miner program on your computer/laptops. ZVC is transferrable between ZVC wallet and mining address through procedures here. Only ZVC address with minimum 500 ZVC will appear in zvc block explorer.

How to start staking on ZVC :

  1. Download the miner program here to start staking here.
  2. Follow the setup procedures here.
  3. Obtain ZVC (ERC-20) on exchanges and convert it to ZVC (Mainnet) here. Note that the conversion process will take 1/2 hour, so do not worry if you dont’ see the balance here.
  4. Leverage your ZVC staking position by 2.8x in the genesis staking program here. *Note that staking rights can only be used for type 1 staking. Normal ZVC can be used for type 0 staking. Block reward from type 1 can be used for type 0.
  5. Run the miner program or create/join delegation nodes here. End application on 10.10.2019.

Choose to become a delegation node or let delegation nodes run the miner program for you. Note* If you have staking rights, activate “stakeadd -type 1 -value 0”. Note that staking rights are not transferrable and you will not be able to reverse the staking of staking rights. As there’s no purpose to reverse as well. Only ZVC address with minimum 500 ZVC/staking rights will appear in zvc block explorer.

Official ZVChain Channels :

Join our official community channels:

  1. General Community: English | Chinese | Japan | More to be added
  2. Technical & Nodes Community
  3. Announcement
  4. News
  5. Youtube
  6. Jobs & Opportunity
  7. Business/Partnership Email
  8. Website



ZVC Team
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ZVChain is a decentralized finance blockchain protocol for enterprises — Chiron Consensus Protocol.