
Sherry Hsieh
16 min readAug 29, 2019

Let the hiring manager tell you what six resume mistakes you shouldn’t make.

請記得, 履歷的目的是行銷你自己給不認識你的用人主管

Remember, your resume is the tool to market yourself to hiring managers.

Original picture from Realistic Shots

我有10年行銷跟商業策略發展經驗, 也有機會因為職務而建立自己的團隊,因此有一些面試徵人的經驗。在面試團隊成員的過程中, 驚訝地發現, 雖然坊間履歷教學不少, 但是還是有許多應徵者犯了基本錯誤而錯失面試機會。以下六點不管是在台灣還是應徵其他國家的工作, 都是很基本但非常重要的履歷常犯錯誤, 在此用中英文書寫, 談談以用人主管的角度, 如何看履歷。

I have ten years marketing and business strategy development professional experience. In recent years, I have had opportunities to build up teams, which also means I have experience in hiring people for my own teams. Surprisingly, I find quite many candidates make basic resume mistakes and lose their opportunities to get interviews. Below I list six basic but important resume mistakes that job seekers shouldn’t make in both Chinese and English, since the common mistakes are generally unacceptable not only in Taiwan but worldwide.

不可犯的錯誤1: 不了解應徵的工作內容。

Mistake 1: Don’t understand the job description.

按下寄信鍵, 送出應徵履歷前, 請再確認你是否了解應徵工作的內容以及條件? 你的履歷內容跟應徵工作有相關嗎?

別懷疑, 我真的有收過履歷內容跟應徵工作幾乎無關的應徵信。這位應徵者是化工碩士, 在他的履歷中滿滿的化工實驗室專案, 可以從他的自傳中感受到他對於化工領域的熱情及專業。問題是, 他應徵民生消費用品業務。我完全無法在履歷中找到任何跟民生消費用品產業相關的經驗, 他個人的職涯走向在自傳中完全沒有提到有一絲跟應徵職位相關的意願。

大家一定常聽說要提高面試機率, 要針對應徵職位客製化履歷, 因為對用人主管來說, 找到對的人才是最重要的事, 而對的人最好是了解工作內容以及想要投入這個工作有熱情的人, 讓你的履歷表跟應徵職務相關, 並使用職務要求的關鍵字, 讓用人主管在茫茫履歷海中, 看到你可能是適合人選的機率才會提高。畢竟, 拿著化工專業的履歷去應徵民生消費市場的業務, 是不會得到任何面試機會的。

It’s very important. Please do understand the job description before you send out your resume. I have read so many resumes with the contents that don’t match the job description at all. For example, I received a candidate’s resume saying he has master degree in chemistry and had joined several chemical engineering research projects in school lab. He has extremely great passion for chemical engineering field. However, he is applying for FMCG sales position. I don’t see any related experience in his resume, neither any interest in the consumer goods market.

We often hear that you should customize your resume to the position you apply to. It would make sense to hiring managers when they try to search for the right person to join their teams. Remember, the right person for hiring manager is the person who understands the job description and has passion for doing it. Matching your resume content and key words with the job description is the first thing you should do. If you are passionate for chemical engineering, please don’t apply for sales position in FMCG field. You won’t get the interview with your chemical research projects.

不可犯的錯誤2: 寫不出任何過往經驗的主要成就

Mistake 2: Don’t state any main achievements.


如果你主導的專案最後讓業績成長10%, 請直接寫在履歷表上, 數字量化表現讓你的履歷表更專業, 更有說服力。請不要寫得很含糊, 例如”完成主管交辦事項” 這類的工作經驗, 會讓用人主管覺得你並未在過往工作中創造對公司有利的價值。

Be specific.

If you manage a project with 10% of growth rates in sales, write it in your resume. Don’t write general statements such as “coordinated projects assigned by manager.”

Use your main achievements to convince hiring managers that you are experienced.

不可犯的錯誤3: 請不要用自拍照 (請不要放照片在英文履歷)

Mistakes 3: Don’t use selfie (Don’t show your photo if it’s English resume.)

要不要放照片, 取決於你應徵工作所在的國家跟類型。通常英文履歷不放照片, 特別是如果你應徵海外工作, 西方國家為了避免因外貌而產生任何歧視顧慮, 英文履歷慣例上不會放照片。

但是台灣職場還是普遍要求履歷附上照片, 我也因此看過各式各樣的網美自拍照出現在履歷表上, 大家可能覺得耍帥露奶抱寵物拍照, 很可以表現自己的個性跟優點, 但這只成立於你在自己的社交平台上跟朋友互動。履歷是代表你的專業度, 如果一定有必要放個人照片在履歷上, 請務必放專業照, 用人主管永遠先是在乎你的專業適不適合應徵的職位, 而不是你的性感自拍照有多美。

Here’s the difference between Taiwan and Western resumes. Generally, there’s no personal photo in English resume, especially if you apply for jobs outside of Asia. However, professional photo is often required in Chinese resume. I need to highlight “professional photo” doesn’t mean “selfie.” We can post all kinds of selfie with our lovely pets, or dress in sexy outfits in our social media pages. But I suppose you don’t want hiring managers to have the first impression of you in a sexy outfit. Resume is the marketing tool to present your professional image. If you do need to include your photo, please use professional photo of yourself.

不可犯的錯誤4: 請勿用自傳產生器產出千篇一律的自傳

Mistake 4: Don’t use summary/ autobiography generator.

網路上可以找到所謂的自傳產生器, 讓你可以”參考” 或是填空主修/ 興趣等, 彈指間, 輕輕鬆鬆產出一篇自傳放在人力銀行制式履歷中。結果就是, 你的自傳跟其他千百人的自傳都一樣, 每個人都是”出身小康家庭, 母慈子孝, 兄友弟恭, 從小被父母教導要勤奮向上, 個性積極陽光…”

以用人主管的角度來看, 你家中有多少成員, 兄弟姊妹從事什麼工作, 跟我一點關係都沒有, 我不需要知道你的個人隱私, 我需要知道的是, 你究竟有沒有足夠的專業能力勝任應徵的職務。英文履歷中也有”summary” 類似於中文履歷中的自傳, 內容集中於表述應徵者的專業能力以及經驗, 讓用人主管可以快速了解應徵者的專業背景跟能力。中文自傳的篇幅較英文履歷summary 更有彈性, 建議著重在自身工作經驗的主要成就跟專業背景。

In Taiwan, candidates usually attach their autobiography, which works as professional summary, with their resumes. Since we can see autobiography as professional summary, it means writing it in professional way. I know there’s autobiography generator provided by some of job sites. You can fill in key words such as college major, personality and it will give you an autobiography similar to hundreds of others.

Seriously, I have read different candidates’ autobiographies that they are all “grew up in a middle-class family and were taught to be a good person; parents are kind; siblings have good jobs too.” But what would I as a hiring manager want to know your personal information such as how many people there are in your family and where you grew up? They are not relevant to the professional skills and personalities that the job required. Every time I receive the autobiography/ summary starts with “I grew up in a middle-class family…” this kind of generator stuff, I suspect the candidate has no professional achievements and skills to present him/herself.

不可犯的錯誤5: 不要用負面的角度表達

Mistake 5: Don’t write from a negative point of view.

我記得一位29歲台灣男性應徵者, 他在自傳中寫道: “我一直都是很努力的人, 我在國高中唸書時, 每天都很認真唸書, 以期能夠進入好大學。但是最後居然出乎意料的, 我沒有考上好大學, 儘管我那6年每天都很認真的準備…”

大家讀完後對這份自傳有什麼感覺呢? 我誠實地說, 我當時看完只記得他浪費了6年, 最後沒有考上好大學。身為用人主管, 我馬上猜想他是否不夠有效率? 花了6年競競業業的唸書, 可能犧牲了社團活動, 過得乏善可陳, 最後卻沒考上, 是不是只知道努力, 卻不知道如何有效率的聰明的舉一反三呢? 在職場上, 苦勞比不上功勞, 用人主管需要的, 不是一昧加班鞠躬盡瘁的人, 而是可以貢獻效益的人, work hard 跟 work smart 是不一樣的, 用人主管要的是work smart 的人, 要的是真正可以帶給團隊功勞的人。

我會建議這位29歲應徵者, 刪掉他努力唸書6年沒考上好大學的例子, 舉出他在出社會工作後, 遇到那些困難情境, 他如何以正面態度跟方法解決, 最好是職務相關的事件, 才會更有力說服用人主管他的積極以及解決問題的能力。

I remember once read a resume from a 29-year-old Taiwanese man. He writes in his autobiography: “I studied very hard to get into the good colleges when I was in junior and senior high schools. Surprisingly, I didn’t get into any of the good colleges. Even though I had worked so hard on the college enrollment exam.”

This candidate is trying to say he always works hard in every status of his life. However, I honestly only remember he failed his college enrollment exam after six years hard studying, and he didn’t get into any of the top colleges.

As a hiring manager, I also question about his effectiveness. According to his autobiography, he had spent six years to prepare for college enrollment exam but still failed. It sounds like he is only working hard but not working smart. In the workplace, know how to work smart with good outcome is much more important than just work hard.

I would suggest that this candidate focuses on his main professional achievements or gives examples of how he solves difficult situations. It can enhance his positive personality image instead of presenting his hard-working attitude in a negative way.

不可犯的錯誤6: 請勿寫錯字。應徵前請檢查履歷文法跟錯字

Mistake 6: Don’t misspell. Check your grammar and spelling.

是的, 最後提醒大家超基本錯誤, 送出應徵履歷前請再次檢查是否有錯字或文法不通順, 或是誤用成語的狀況。相信我, 我收過超多錯字連篇或成語濫用的履歷自傳, 對用人主管來說, 會覺得你真的有很在意這份工作嗎?

Indeed, it’s so basic but you would be surprised how many resumes have this basic mistake. Do check grammar and spelling in your resume before you send it out.

簡單來說, 寫履歷時, 建議大家想想用人主管看履歷的角度, 其實就是需要找到最適的專業人選, 履歷應該是以專業的角度行銷你自己給用人主管, 記住這點, 你的履歷被看到, 進入下一步面試的機會才會增加。

To sum up, always keep in mind that from hiring managers’ point of view, a resume should prove that you are capable for the job you apply. Marketing yourself in a professional way will make your resume stand out and increase the chance of getting successful interviews.



Sherry Hsieh

15年跑跳紐約,胡志明市,台北,廣州,上海的行銷天秤女, 除了分享工作心得, 更愛探索有趣的生活小事。LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sherryhsiehmarketing