
Sherry Hsieh
10 min readAug 28, 2022

How does payment apps and CRM affect retail business?

上一篇文章<兩大零售巨頭全聯跟統一的對決>, 我們提到了有三大決戰點, 分別是生鮮PK戰, 物流PK戰, 以及今天要討論的電商力PK戰。



根據尼爾森全台通路調查, 全聯全支付 PXPay Plus 已超越街口, 成為台灣使用率第二名的行動支付品牌, 僅次於Line Pay, 這真的是很驚人的成就! 表示全聯已經把會員高黏著度轉化成使用PX Pay 強大基礎, 援引天下雜誌對林敏雄的採訪稿 「PX Pay 可以跟別人進行點數交換, 支付的網頁是通路, 也能是電商入口, 可以收費賣廣告」, 以這點來看, 會員行銷跟零售通路原則真的被玩得很透徹, 不是為了電商而電商。

當然, 統一集團的點數生態圈也已形成, 加上家樂福已佔20%營業額的線上購物電商通路, 兩者加乘效果也是十分強大。

看到了嗎? 支付app 跟會員生態圈已經越來越成熟, 零售巨頭們掌握的會員黏著度高, 現在連支付行為都可以被更進一步的分析跟精準溝通。

全聯的會員可以用PX Pay 去買全家的咖啡, 究竟有多強大?

零售巨頭們之所以厲害, 就是他們的業種是屬於消費者每日必消費, 到訪至少一次的民生消費品類, 乘以全台千家以上門店數以及百萬會員數, 已經到了可以自成生態圈的程度。以全聯為例, 至少有7百萬忠誠度極高的會員, 而其電子支付PX Pay 使用金額已達到總業績30%以上, 只要持續增加PX pay 會員使用率, OMO (線上線下整合行銷) 對於全聯來說會是更精準的整合跟操作。

2022年初, 全聯跟全家超商宣布將合作跨通路使用對方的會員兼支付apps。白話來說, 全聯的會員從此可以用全聯PX Pay 去全家超商買咖啡, 全家超商的會員可以用全家App 去全聯買水果, 彼此的會員不需要再下載對方的支付app。也就是說, 全聯跟全家超商, 兩家加起來超過2千萬會員(大概可以說涵蓋了全台消費者), 從此後, 可以透過支付app合作, 知道對方會員在自己通路以外, 還購買了哪些商品, 有哪些消費行為, 對於會員的標籤輪廓會更清楚, 精準行銷也會更有效。

為什麼全聯跟全家的支付apps 互通後, 會達到綜效?

針對這個問題, 我跟我在師範大學擔任助理教授的朋友Mac (Chia-Yang Chang)討論了他對Fintech 的研究 (“The effect of consumers’ asset specificity sensitivity on mobile payment service adoption: The role of switching cost and product compatibility.”), 在他跟他的研究同事們提出的論文中, 清楚的指出, 消費者會考量下載第二個支付app 的成本, 包含使用習慣的改變等, 而這個移轉成本越小, 也就是對消費者影響的程度越小, 越有可能成功。

我們只要想想, 我們每天會固定使用的app 有哪幾個? 大部份都是固定使用主要app 後, 其他的功能相似的都不太使用, 或甚至不想花時間去熟悉新app, 這些就是移轉成本。而全聯跟全家超商的合作, 就是將移轉成本變成零, 消費者不需要去改變任何消費習慣, 也不需要下載對方的app, 兩邊會員就可以用原本的支付app 去對方通路消費, 對消費者來說有更為方便的利益, 全聯跟全家超商則更容易加強兩邊會員的黏著度以及app 使用率。

因此, 電商力PK戰中的支付app 與會員CRM 的互相串連, 更讓人期待這些零售巨頭會如何運用, 來更了解(左右) 我們的日常消費行為。


Last time, we talked about the two biggest retail players in Taiwan are going to have their battle in fresh assortments, logistics, and digital transformation.

What interested me the most is how they are going to develop the digital transformation in electronic payment, or called mobile payment apps, to grow their retail market shares and build up their own empires.

Their greatest advantages, of course, are their large number of stores and members. Take PX Pay as an example. 全聯實業股份有限公司 PX Mart has 7 million members, and its electronic payment app PX Pay contributes over 30% of its total sales and still growing. PX Pay is an essential tool for PX Mart to develop its members and OMO business.

Moreover, PX Mart and 全家便利商店 Family Mart are connecting with each other’s payment app systems. With almost 20 million members in total, it means every Taiwanese at least has one of PX Mart and Family Mart member payment apps. It makes PX Mart members can use PX pay in Family Mart and vice versa. By sharing payment systems and data, they will know better about their members’ shopping behaviors outside of their own store chains. We all know how powerful it will be.

Speaking of the PX Mart X Family Mart payment app case, I talk with Chia-Yang Chang (Mac). He is an adjunct assistant professor at National Taiwan Normal University. One of his research interests is #fintech. I think he and his colleagues’ research quite well explains the consumers’ behaviors in using payment apps. Have you ever hesitated to adopt an app or mobile service, like a mobile payment app, because the app will lock you up for a least one month to pay for it? Their research creates the concept of consumer asset specificity sensitivity (CASS) to capture the feeling and answer this question. They also found expected switching costs to explain why consumers with high CASS do not want to adopt mobile payment apps. Consumers will expect to switch to other mobile payment apps with costs, such as learning time or effort. Moreover, when a mobile payment app can apply to different shopping scenarios, it reduces the switching costs produced by CASS to enhance mobile payment adoption.

By sharing payment app systems, PX Mart and Family Mart reduce their members’ expected switching costs, which is no cost for both of their members, but extent to wider platforms in both stores. In return, both can reach more customers and have a better picture of their customers’ daily purchase behaviors. Thus, I am curious about their next move on CRM and OMO strategies.

Chiou, Jyh-Shen, Chia-Yang Chang, Chih-Wei Lin (2019). “The effect of consumers’ asset specificity sensitivity on mobile payment service adoption: The role of switching cost and product compatibility.” Proceedings of Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 29–31, Vancouver, Canada.



Sherry Hsieh

15年跑跳紐約,胡志明市,台北,廣州,上海的行銷天秤女, 除了分享工作心得, 更愛探索有趣的生活小事。LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sherryhsiehmarketing