Go to 10 Bricks
10 Bricks
Documenting surprising career moves and life paths, 10 Bricks is a series of interviews with people who have bucked the trend of a single, linear career path.
Note from the editor

10 Bricks is an interview series brought to you by the father and daughter-in-law combo of Hal Gessner and Kathleen Mullaney. And if you think that’s unusual, wait till you read the stories. In these interviews, you will learn about the fascinating and unexpected ways in which peoples’ careers and lives develop. We hope these stories will give our readers inspiration — or perhaps relief — for those of us who are figuring out our own careers. But at the very least, we hope to entertain and connect people through this project. Design and illustration by the lovely Martine Lindstrøm.

Go to the profile of Hal Gessner
Hal Gessner
I am a certified mediator and conflict coach specializing in the areas of Commercial, Divorce, Marital and Family mediation. https://GessnerMediation.com
Go to the profile of Kathleen Mullaney
Kathleen Mullaney
Bay Area native techie. Life maximalist, (attempted) sartorial minimalist. Find me en route to food/friends.