What scares you more than not having health care in America? 99/100

Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton
2 min readNov 4, 2016


4 November, 2016 | Index

Dear Hillary Clinton,

Gerard Mclean here, from Englewood, Ohio. This is the ninety-ninth letter of one hundred I am writing you on health care; one for each day between your nomination and your election. The previous letters can be found in your USPS mailbox or online at 100HRC.com.

Yesterday Rep. Jason Chafetz went on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, proclaimed he voted for your opponent — whom he endorsed, then unendorsed, then endorsed — and said about you, “Her ability to look in the camera and just lie, lie, lie scares me more than anything.”

I suppose Mr. Chafetz must have a very secure existence if that is what scares him more than anything. What scares me more than anything is growing old in America with no health care and no income, to become a direct burden on the younger generations who can barely afford their own futures in today’s America. This unraveling of our social nets is what his party, your opponent and Speaker Ryan’s A Better Way aspire to.

I grew up poor in America and it sucks so badly that being dead in America is preferable to being poor. At least when you are dead, people like Rep. Chafetz, who purport to be acting in our common good, cease to hold sway over the quality of your life.

There are scarier things in America than feeling like someone is lying to you. Let’s work on eliminating these fears by perusing SinglePayer, MedicareForAll, UniversalCare. I will, until I can no longer.

Will you? You promised.


Gerard McLean
cc: Sen. Sherrod Brown, Rep. Jason Chafetz, Wolf Blitzer





Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter http://amzn.to/1xxlLZB @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.