179. Focus your energy and you can do great things

Let the unimportant stuff fall away.

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
2 min readOct 26, 2017


I’m one of those people that wants to do many things. I’d like to get up on stage and one day do a TED Talk. I’d like to write a book (check). I’d like to quit my job and spend the rest of my days doing whatever the hell I want (pending).

But the thing is, you are just one unit. Therefore, you can only ever put out one unit’s worth of work. Now, if you’re a big boss, you might be able to have several people do several units worth of work, but that’s still you as one person managing several people.

Your one goal in life is to find out what the one thing you have to dedicate your time to is. Is it telling stories? Is it leading people? Is it being the best parent you can be? I know, I know, there are so many things but they’re all important. But think about this: the word priority should only ever refer to one thing. “Priorities” is an oxymoron that defeats the purpose of having the word in the first place.

So what’s your priority? The one thing that you place head and shoulders above all else? And why aren’t you focusing on that?


