182. The end is the start

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2017

My last, daily 100 Naked Words post.

So this is it — the last post. It hasn’t been easy to come to the decision to stop writing everyday on Medium, but I’m not looking back. Note that while I’ll not be writing everyday on Medium, I’ll still be publishing submissions to 100NW as they come in.

If you’ve been following the publication for the last six months, you’ll know that I’ve become a commercial fiction writer. It’s taken up an extra 30–40 hours of my time a month, as well as a lot of mind share. I think about it day and night. I dream about it as well.

It’s safe to say it’s my life’s calling, at least for the immediate future.

Writing everyday has taught me discipline. It’s taught me to push on through the tough times and how to build an audience. It’s taught me to publish into the void when no one’s there and to not treat success as a big deal.

I don’t know whether I’ll write again on Medium — I’d like to think that I would. But rather than promise you that I’ll be back, I’ll just leave it at that. Of course, I’ll still be writing, it’ll just be dedicated to my commercial fiction. You can find me at my pen name, KJHarlow.com or just search for me on Amazon.

Thanks for following, you have been the best. I hope to interact with you somewhere, sometime.



