32. Age is just a number

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2016

I read a lovely article by Lisa Blair this morning called, It’s never too late.

Actually, lovely isn’t the right word. It was confronting more than anything.

I say it’s lovely because it confirmed a hunch I’ve had for a while:

We all think we’re running out of time.

We’re the only species that lives so strictly to this concept of time. We end up running faster and faster until there’s no where left to run.

All the while, the beauty around us goes unnoticed.

I’ve got nothing against having goals to work towards. In fact, I think everyone should be moving closer to a better life.

I do have a problem with people thinking they’re running out of time. Yes, it’s finite. But our reality is the only one we have. We need to stop occasionally to recenter ourselves and remember that the more we worry about time, the less energy we have to do anything meaningful.

Stop worrying, do it and enjoy the process.



