Hi there.
Here’s Day 2 of me trying to write 275k words.
Today, I’ve taken notes on how to build up my freelance client list and also updated my blog goals for June. So, today’s total is 338.
So….here we go. Day one of many, many more to write 275,000 words.
Here’s the update:
I’ve written a blog post for tomorrow: 825 words.
Holy guacamole. I wrote 2,538 words Friday night.
The crazy thing is, I wrote so much because I am not good at paying attention sometimes.
I cracked over 1,000 words today.
1,232 to be exact. Which means I’ve written 2,770 words. I’m officially over 1% through my word count. Holla!
Yeah, that 275,000 word goal for the summer?
Shot to pieces.
I may have only done about 10,000 words.
It’s paltry.
So, what happened?
Day 3: Slowly but Surely
Today I wrote 200 words. I’m at 1,538 out of 275k words.
The fact I even wrote this much is a miracle. Was pretty sick this morning. Like 1:30 morning. The toilet was my friend.