2key Network and Agura Collaborate on Business Growth

H. S.
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2019

2key Network will launch its main-net with strong traction and usage.

Our business development strategy has focused on partnerships with platforms as this enables mass onboarding at a time. One of 2key’s most important business collaborators is Agura, which offers white-label infrastructure to about two dozen cryptocurrency exchanges and other blockchain companies.

2key Network’s Smart Links will be an in-built marketing technology available to all exchanges, wallets, explorers, and other companies that use Agura.

What is Agura?

Agura is a technology provider that offers white-label blockchain products to companies. They offer wallets, explorers, and even white-label exchanges. With a large client network across the world, Agura is one of the largest B2B software providers in the blockchain space.

Collectively, companies that utilize Agura have reach to a massive portion of the cryptocurrency user base. Due to non-disclosure limitations, the names of the many blockchain companies that utilize Agura’s software cannot be stated in this article.

Agura and 2key Network

Agura is a strategic investor in 2key Network and also a major early business collaborator.

Smart Links, as a marketing technology, will be accessible to the many businesses that use Agura’s technology. Subsequently, Smart Links will be delivered to the massive number of Crypto users that are customers of the white-label solutions Agura has offered to other businesses in this space. The business collaboration with Agura enables 2key Network to fulfill two major aspects of business development of Smart Link technology:

  • The businesses using Agura’s technology will become major early contractors of 2key Network’s referral campaigns as Smart Links will be a built-in aspect of the white-label solutions they acquire from Agura.
  • Businesses that will take advantage of the Smart Links at their disposal will pull their users within the 2key ecosystem.

2key Network’s collaboration with the Dorothy DApp marketplaces offers instant Smart Link usage to the hundreds of DApp developers that are on the platform; 2key Network’s collaboration with WINGs offers Smart Link usage to the DeFi products built on the platform. Now, 2key Network’s business collaboration with Agura will bring Smart Links to the disposal of cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, and explorers, and subsequently the users of all these services.

We have settled business collaborations with many other platforms, and we are actively making business and/or technological collaborations with even more platforms. Smart Links will play a major role in the blockchain space from day 1.

Click on a Smart Link. Join the decentralized web.

We invite you to have a firsthand experience of our breakthrough solution — Smart Links — on our testnet (https://test.2key.io/).

