2key Network and EdenChain pave the Way for Mass Usage of DApps

H. S.
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2019

2key Network’s early market penetration strategy is to partner with platforms that host large number of third-party products. This enables the team to scale through single negotiations that enable 2key to be a part of not one, but potentially hundreds of products and developments at a time.

2key Network is glad to announce a partnership with EdenChain. Smart Links will become an invaluable part of Eden’s DApp marketplace.

Smart Links for Promoting DApps

The sixteenth article in 2key’s 1-month of content explained why 2key Network is an unparalleled solution to DApp marketing.

Here is a quote from that piece:

The moment a Smart Link is clicked, the user’s browser is turned into a node with a non-custodial wallet. Thus, Smart Links not only allow DApp developers to reach potential users, they also ensure interested users come to the DApp’s UI with a ready wallet. Additionally, fiat relay integrators in 2key Network ensure that the users, with newly acquired wallets, can quickly go from fiat to ETH with ease.

2key Network is the all-in-one resource that decentralized applications need to compete against their centralized peers.

2key Network and EdenChain’s partnership will bring Smart Links as a go-to DApp marketing resource within Eden’s DApp marketplace called Dorothy. The potentially hundreds or even thousands of DApp developers that list their products on Dorothy will have the opportunity to seamlessly leverage their communities and even personal social circles to draw users into the DApp, while automatically rewarding those who helped them grow.

Each user that will be drawn to the DApps will be instantly handed, by the 2key Protocol, the base tools to access the DApp’s blockchain operations.

This partnership strengthens both 2key Network and EdenChain, as 2key will be easily made available to every DApp on Dorothy, and each of those DApps will be able to utilize the most advanced marketing tool to grow their user base.

Click on a Smart Link. Join the decentralized web.

We invite you to have a firsthand experience of our breakthrough solution — Smart Links — on our testnet (https://test.2key.io/).

