2key Network enters Strategic Partnership with Elrond Network

H. S.
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2019

2key Network is a layer-two scalability solution that enables eased transitioning from the Web 2 to the Web 3. Simply clicking on a Smart Link, a proprietary technology created by 2key, a user’s browser is turned into a node with a noncustodial wallet. As 2key Network is a layer-two solution, it can operate on any layer-one, a reference to any public blockchain.

2key Network is launching on Ethereum but can operate as a layer-two on any other public network.

Today, 2key is proud to announce an agreement with Elrond Network, the most advanced state sharding public chain. 2key Network has signed a letter of intent to layer upon Elrond Network, making Elrond the second blockchain to benefit from the impact of Smart Links.

What is Elrond Network?

Elrond Network is a linearly scalable blockchain that enables high throughput without sacrificing scalability. The blockchain will reach main-net within this quarter. Elrond Network is tapered towards enterprise utility, with the blockchain aiming to target advanced fourth industrial revolution markets, including IoT segments that can empower the smart cities of the future.

2key Network x Elrond Network

2key Network and Elrond Network have entered a strategic technical partnership as 2key Network will add layering upon the Elrond main-net into the 2key roadmap.

This step allows 2key Network to be a part of one of the fastest growing blockchains in the cryptocurrency space. Elrond’s linearly scalable network makes it a go-to layer-one solution for high-demand decentralized software.

Simultaneously, this step also demonstrates that 2key’s technology is a true layer-two solution and can both be layered upon and be advantageous to any decentralized chain.

Smart Link technology will provide the opportunity to improve user onboarding in all of Elrond Network’s consumer and enterprise dApps, thereby boosting user acquisition of said dApps. These improvements are delivered by the utility of Smart Links, which enable the communities of any development or project to seamlessly be rewarded for growing products and service usage — be it centralized or decentralized.

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We invite you to have a firsthand experience of our breakthrough solution — Smart Links — on our testnet (https://test.2key.io/).

