Ferrum Network to use Smart Links

H. S.
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2019

Smart Links are the go-to solution for promoting decentralized developments. With just a click on a Smart Link, a user’s browser is turned to a node with a non-custodial wallet, offering anyone access to the fundamental tools needed to interact with the decentralized web. 2key Network’s fiat on-ramp support subsequently enables users to be actively involved in the Web 3.

A growing barracks of blockchain developments have signed-on to use Smart Links, empowering their existing and new-found community members to be the source of operational growth, and rooting the project into a stronger state of decentralization. The newest project that has signed a LOI to use Smart Links is Ferrum Network.

What is Ferrum Network?

Ferrum Network is creating advanced storage and transaction solutions for digital assets. Kudi Exchange, serving the West African markets, is a live fiat on-ramp for the blockchain ecosystem. The project is also developing service solutions, including cold storage for institutions as-well-as a white label staking dashboard for any token. The project’s upcoming flagship release, the UniFyre Wallet, is set to disrupt transactions on various blockchains, enabling faster transaction fulfillment at lower costs.

Smart Links for UniFyre Users

Ferrum Network will use Smart Links to boost exposure and usage of its UniFyre Wallet as-well-as Ferrum’s new white-label staking technology. The project has a large, engaged community across various channels, including Telegram. Smart Links will empower the project’s community to take a lead in the decentralized growth of the project, removing the need for traditional promotional methods.

A Smart Link binds smart contracts into normal web links. This enables the creator of the Smart Link to gain multi-step tracking of the Smart Link’s shares and subsequently reward those who shared the link whenever a conversion happens. Thus, Smart Links have the potential to enable growth campaigns that can perpetually fund themselves.

Smart Links will enable provable conversions sourced by the Ferrum community while allowing referrers to be remunerated for the growth they provide. Given that Smart Links can automatically distribute payments among all users involved in a chain of links that led to a conversion, the Ferrum community will have the opportunity to synergize each other’s network. Through this delivery, Smart Links will push the community to greater teamwork rather than divisive competing.

Click a Smart Link. Join the decentralized web.

We invite you to have a firsthand experience of our breakthrough solution — Smart Links — on our testnet (https://test.2key.io/).

