ShareHope to use Smart Links to Source Donations

H. S.
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2019

Smart Links are designed to hone exposure and growth, but not just for businesses. Virtually any operation can utilize 2key Network for an organic boost in the volume of people that utilize its offering. While most of the past announcements and content has focused on the value proposition 2key offers to for-profit businesses and the business collaborations that have already been inked, various charity organizations will also be using Smart Links.

One of the first charity organizations to use 2key is ShareHope, a program that will ensure 100% of donated funds reach the recipients.

More about ShareHope

Typically, large portions of donated funds are consumed by organizers or charity managers. In fact, some of the most well-known charities like One, which is led by famous U2 singer Bono, only delivers 1.2% of raised funds to recipients. The remaining is consumed as management fees. Such cases are not an anomaly but the norm in the world of charity management.

ShareHope will utilize blockchain technology to mark a change in how donations are managed in order to show provable distribution of 100% of donated funds.

Expanding ShareHope with Smart Links

Smart Links are a powerful means to grow exposure towards not just businesses, but any operation.

Charity organizations rely on the community of volunteers and donators that enable the charity to fulfill its goal of helping a particular cause. Smart Links enable the community of any charity to draw organic exposure to a cause by merely sharing a Smart Link-bound content, website, donation collection, etc. associated with the charity organization they support. The conversion rewards can subsequently be donated to the preferred cause of the referrer.

This enables charities to avoid paying marketing fees to tech and media giants and instead grow organically through their own community while circulating the referral rewards simply towards another cause. Thus, exposure to charitable causes can grow and the supporting communities can be reinforced.

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